The single most successful tip for green living

what is single green living tip
Green living style is getting popular in advance countries. But it is getting so a little slowly. In developing and least developed countries it is still a strange way of living that what people say it demands a lot to do. Most people think that a lengthy list is required to adopt green living. Yes, a list of dos and dons can work well but life is not a thing you spend following a list of things. You just have to set your priorities and then follow them during your whole life.

What are green priorities?

Your way of living should have well-defined green priorities. You must follow them during your both professional and person life. For this purpose you need not to write a lengthy discourse

Garbage burning, a huge cause of air pollution in backward countries

how garbage burning creates air pollution
Garbage burning is the most lethal cause of air pollution because its smoke remains within our breathing zone for quite a long time. Garbage is burnt in the countries where solid waste collection is so poor. Obviously this happens mostly in poor countries where no any sound system prevails for any type of solid waste management. Therefore, people of such countries have to suffer because they don’t have any choice but to burn heaps of garbage to get rid of it.
According to environmentalists garbage burning is the cause of air pollution that directly affect the breathing zone of the communities living around it. Scenes of garbage burning are so common where communities survive in a suffocating environment because of huge amount of smoke coming out from it. They suffer from eye irritation, giddying, breathing problems, throat allergy and even asthma.

Tag a sapling with the gift to your loved ones

benefits of giving sapling as gift
It is quite common we give gift to our loved ones. We earnestly wait for an occasion to come and we never forget to express our love with them. Either the relationship is romantic or not but we always feel happiness by giving a beautiful present to those who have importance in our life. They are not simply our relatives and friends. Our colleagues, class fellows, business partners, club fellows, online friends and several others who have contacts with us can be recipients of our gift on memorable occasions. 

What gifts we give to them?

It depends upon the occasion. If it’s a private relationship obviously it depends upon the calling of our heart. Whatever our heart wants we give that gift to

Going green is mostly a stupid idea in Asia

Going green is a ridiculous idea in Asia
I am the eye witness of this fact. Having been associated with the environmental sector for the last twenty years I mostly found people laughing at one who talks about environment. This is common in most of the least developed Asian countries. Even the fast growing countries of Asian give less importance to environmental care. Their main concern is to make development in every sector especially in manufacturing sector. Their aim is to become industrialized nations and capture the global markets for foreign exchange.

They run after grey development

This is the key argument against going green. Every second industrialist gives this argument when someone asks him to follow environmental laws. Industries threaten to raise prices if they are forced to install treatment

It is never too late; so let’s solve the pollution problems

tips to solve pollution problems

In the history of human beings no need was felt to worry about pollution problems in the initial centuries when the only source of pollution was burning of wood for cooking purpose or heating the cold weather. Lifestyle was so simple and the entire life used to revolve around basic necessities of food, shelter and clothes. Water was pure and in abundance, air was clean and land was pure. It was not because of the environmental friendliness of the people of those times. It was because population was lesser and development has yet to come to create greed in people.

When humans first thought about pollution problems

It was 5th century when population started rising. Indoor pollution took its shape and started affecting the human health. Similarly wheel was invented and people realized what was going to

Lack of will is the main reason of huge pollution in China

why there is lot of pollution in China
In a recent development an official of the Chinese environmental protection department disclosed that during first quarter of 2013 nearly 16 cases of sheer environmental violation and degradation were tackled by the government. This is first time that such information unofficially made to public. In these cases includes a famous case of river pollution when local pollution control official of Beijing openly declared that Cangxian County, Hebei province is polluted so much so that many pollutants are 70 times higher than its national standards. This brought on widespread hue and cry and ultimately that official was removed from his post.

Little pollution control steps

In another development the Chinese environmental protection department fined nearly 68 factories on polluting water. That shows though the government level action is being taken to control

Here is the most vital tip to quit smoking forever

the most vital tip to quit smoking
Smoking is injurious to health. Isn’t it a red alert for us? On every packet we see such warning with different phrases and even with images of a dying statue. But do we worry to read it. Did we ever think about its literal meaning? We damned care about it because it warns about our health not of our loved ones.

We care our loved ones more than us

This is the secret very few anti-smoking campaigners rarely apply to convince people quit smoking. They think it simply an emotional appeal that hardly works to hit the mind of smokers. But just think what we do if we listen about the occurrence of any havoc or tragic incident in our area. We waste no time to phone our family to ask about their safety. We want safety of our family first. We earn not

It is too early to blame climate change for Oklahoma tornado

climate change and Oklahoma tornado
Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island blamed the climate change for Oklahoma tornado that killed more than 90 people apart from wrecking havoc on entire infrastructure of the town. No doubt climate change is the hot topic of global green politics but one should not make such haste to put blame of all natural disasters on environmental degradation. If we read the history of this world we get to know natural calamities are as old as the human civilization itself but in primitive days there was no any environmental problem. It means there may be several reasons of a natural disaster and environmental decay may be one of them. But it is not necessary that every natural havoc must fall on us because of global warming.

Key reason of tornado

According to scientific research the main reason of tornado is huge pressure in humid air that ultimately brings it on earth in shape of a disaster. The air of Oklahoma on the day of the disaster

4 easy tips to play your role to stop an act of polluting

stop polluting
Environmental violations cannot be stopped unless we raise voice against them. It is not so easy to standagainst any act of polluting in your area. Most of the time such polluters are most powerful or they have backing of a few powerful people or they themselves are rogue by nature. That is why they openly hit the nature just to serve their own interest. To stop crime against nature you need to act as an environmental activist of your area. Don’t worry you need not get any special skill for this purpose. Nor you have to spend much time. You just have to record you protest against polluters and their heinous act of polluting.

Write a letter in newspaper

This is the most simply way to try to stop environmental violation in your area. If you see any act of polluting around you just write a letter to editor of the newspaper of your area. If there is no newspaper publishes

Recycling begins at home so just do it

The best solution of garbage pollution is “reduce, reuse and recycle”. But environmentalists stress upon more on recycling because reduce means a little demand for deferment of your need or it means you reduce your all those needs that may create garbage. Reuse means you use a thing to its maximum level till it completely becomes rubbish. It also means you have to spend your life like a green mission. It is not possible for the people of the whole world because they have different level of environmental awareness. If we try to bring all of them on same level it may take several years. So we should keep on doing raising public awareness but simultaneously we should promote recycling that actually puts a new worth in your used things and you can also get monetary benefits from it. Moreover, it avoids adding pollution load and you contribute in mitigation of garbage pollution.

Status of recycling in the world

Advance countries: In advanced countries recycling is a separate industry that is doing huge business in terms of revenue and profit. When economic incentives work you need not to motivate

Just a week ahead of Biodiversity Day, 2300 birds died on Chilean coast on climate change

What is World Biodiversity Day 2013
You would be surprised to know that this year theme of World Biodiversity Day is “Water and Biodiversity” that is actually set to coincide with the United Nations’ declaration of 2013 as the International Year of Water Cooperation. God knows better how much cooperation at the global level has been done so far to preserve water but a great tragedy has occurred just seven days ahead of World Biodiversity Day (22nd May) in the waters of Chile.

Death of 2,300 birds

Nearly 2,300 birds of various species are found dead on May 16, 2013 on the Chilean coast and trapped in the fishing nets of fishermen. Thousands of birds migrate from the cold water of Chile during the month of May towards cold areas of Peru and other coastal regions of the south.

Three lovely ways to express your love with nature

how to express your love with nature
No one forgets his/her first love. Its worth can never be replaced with the subsequent romantic incidents of your life. If you already have a first love it’s fine but add another with it that is your love with nature. Do you yet to have your first love? Pick the nature for this priceless feeling.

How do you take care of your love?

You take care of your loved one. You make every effort to make him/her happy. You remain alert about either she/he is happy or sad right now. In the same way you must take care of nature by asking before your each act:
  • Is my act may hit the nature or its any part
  • Am I adding pollution load on nature
  • Am I promoting the culture to harm the nature

China’s move to ban barbecue for air pollution control raises eyebrows worldwide

Can ban on barbecue by China control air pollution
The city administration of Beijing has decided to ban unlicensed and unsafe barbecue roadside skewers across the city for air pollution control. Roadside eateries are quite common in big cities of China because traditional Chinese foods need not so lengthy cooking that is why it is easy to cook it standing on roadside and sell it to commuting people who love to eat while standing. Most of such food is stir fried and offered in bowls with lot of yummy sauces that needs to be eaten with chopsticks or forks. However, after popularity of roasted meat of all type with a touch of sizzler that makes noise and smoke together the barbecue or grilled food is also getting equally popular.
In a recent move - after publication of critical reports across the world about the rising level of air pollution in China - the city administration of Beijing has announced to take action against those barbecue stalls that

10 simple tips for noise pollution control

how to control noise pollution
Noise pollution is equally harmful like other types of pollution. In our daily life we ignore so many people having visible impact on their health and attitude of this menace. Even we don’t notice how our own health is being affected because of it. We just express our concern about it and drive away our car honking to get the passage. Here are ten simple tips for noise pollution control.

Noise pollution control at home

1) Noise-free electronic appliances: Such appliances are easily available in market. You just need to pay a few bucks extra but if you don’t do this you have to pay more than this eventually to your doctor for the treatment of your weakening nerves and hearing.
2) Use of head phone for TV and Music: It may seem a little extra sophistication but if someone in family wants to listen music in loud voice others should not pay its price. That is why more than one head phone

How to save your kids from diabetes because of air pollution?

how air pollution causes diabetes
The chances of diabetes in kids because of their being exposed to air pollution are more than normal situation and they may suffer from this silent-killer type of disease after growing up. The recent finding released by Diabetologia, the Journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes says that exposure of kids to polluted air enhances the risk of their resistance to insulin, a vivid warning sign of diabetes. It was confirmed after making experiment on nearly 400 children.
It may be pointed out that the main cause of diabetes is too high blood-sugar level in the human body. Basically there are two types of diabetes. One is type 1 that occurs when a human body fails to produce insulin which is actually a hormone that converts blood sugar into energy. While the type 2 diabetes is the state in body when it can’t produce sufficient insulin or may resist to its effects.

5 easy ways to raise environmental awareness in your community

how to raise environmental awareness in community
While coming and going from home maybe you feel daily the environmental mess around your locality because of the lack of awareness of your community. In our residential areas no doubt most of the environmental care is the responsibility of civic agencies like garbage collectors, sanitary workers but the role of community is equally important. For example if sanitary workers come to your area at 7'o clock in the morning to clean the roads and streets it means all the housemates must put the entire garbage of their homes before 7'o clock. If they get late then the garbage they put outside home after going of sweepers will litter around whole day till the next day sweepers come again. Here community needs environmental awareness to take care of environment by its own will. 
Here are 5 easy ways to raise environmental awareness in your community to make them play their role for the improvement of their local environment. 

Thank you air pollution!

risking level of air pollution in UK
You might be surprised to read the topic of my post. How come we thank our silent killer? But this time it needs one big thank. It actually made Supreme Court of UK to take serious view of rising level of air pollution in most of the big cities of Britain where vehicular emissions have polluted the air so much and made it quite hazardous for inhaling. Earlier it has been pointed out several times that nearly 50 thousands deaths are occurred in UK owing to various types of air pollution.

Main cause 

The apex court observed that UK is violating various European Union air quality standards which it must maintain to remain its environmentally responsible member. The reason of rising level of air

India’s minister fails to prove its river pollution is not cancerous

Ganges river pollution and cancer
India’s federal minister for health and family welfare denied any link of water pollution with rising number of cancer cases that are being reported in India. Speaking at a legislative assembly Ghulam Nabi Azad said that no proof found so far that could have confirmed that water pollution is the main cause of widely spreading cancer disease in India. According to earlier reports, nearly 1.1 million cases of cancer are reported in India every year.

Smart Indian government

However a denial was made by the Indian government that actually is responsible for the provision of pollution-free water to its citizens and to take urgent steps to stem the alarmingly rising number of cases of cancer. However, instead of taking practical measures on these two fronts it

Pollution may have cooling effect but it is still very harmful

new research about cooling effects of pollution
A group of scientists from University of Manchester disclosed that artificially-made pollutants along with natural emissions may have unexpected cooling effects on climate of Earth as both make the clouds brighter.
Elaborating the findings of their new research they said clouds are made of tiny drops that concentrated as tiny suspended particles in the air and if the air gets humid these small particles blow out droplets lying in the clouds. In a non-technical language we can say that various pollutants that suspend in the air mix with the small droplets of the clouds and cool the climate.
The study author Professor Gordon McFiggans from the University of Manchester's School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences revealed that emissions from forests and vehicles formed the organic compounds that eventually affect the droplets, brighten the clouds and eventually put cooling effects on climate.

Effect is not huge

But the most noteworthy aspect of this research is the inability of scientists to ascertain the extent of cooling effects that pollution can put over the climate, as the study published in the journal

3 simple tips to know if a product is green

how to know a product is green
In our personal life we can easily adopt green living because everything remains under our control. We can control indoor pollution by putting exhaust in kitchen at right place, contribute less in air pollution by using vehicle lesser, we try to reduce garbage pollution by reusing and recycling the rubbish as much as we can. But on commercial side of our life we don’t have much control to remain go green because the things we buy from the market may be environment friendly are not. Here are 3 tips to know if a product is green or not.

Green seal

This is the most authenticate sign to check if the product you are buying is green or not. A green product means:
  • That is made from recycled stuff
  • In its manufacturing environmental care is fully done

Let’s go green in our every moment of joy

It is so simple to go green in moments of joy and pleasure. In times of sorrow we cannot manage our green pledge because of our sad mood. But in happiness we can spare some love for our mother Nature. Out little care can make our environment little safe from pollution load. But first we have to see when we rejoice.
  • On Christmas
  • On Happy New Year
  • On Diwali (religious rejoicing of Hindus)
  • On Eid (religious rejoicing of Muslims)
  • On our and our loved ones’ birthday
  • On our and our loved ones’ marriage

Apart from above there may be several other occasions when you and I get happy but by and large these are our main events of happiness. I am not giving a lengthy list of dos and dons here because this I can do in any other post. Here we can just make one pledge, we all, to follow it forever. It will not cost a single penny to us. Even it will make us save some money.