How to save your kids from diabetes because of air pollution?

how air pollution causes diabetes
The chances of diabetes in kids because of their being exposed to air pollution are more than normal situation and they may suffer from this silent-killer type of disease after growing up. The recent finding released by Diabetologia, the Journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes says that exposure of kids to polluted air enhances the risk of their resistance to insulin, a vivid warning sign of diabetes. It was confirmed after making experiment on nearly 400 children.
It may be pointed out that the main cause of diabetes is too high blood-sugar level in the human body. Basically there are two types of diabetes. One is type 1 that occurs when a human body fails to produce insulin which is actually a hormone that converts blood sugar into energy. While the type 2 diabetes is the state in body when it can’t produce sufficient insulin or may resist to its effects.

The type 2 diabetes is widespread all across the world and comprises of 90 per cent of total 347 million cases of diabetes around the globe, says a report of World Health Organization. The type 1 is common in children but has very alarming signs for their health and fitness. Despite apparently being normal they can never participate in overall activities of life normally and have to take precautions during their whole life. In short they never remain normal.

How to stay safe from diabetes causing air pollution

  • The one and only urgent step to stay safe from direct exposure to air pollution is use of Anti Air PollutionMask that is easily available on any superstore on reasonable price.
  • The second option is to reside in non-congested areas from traffic point of view if you live in rented house or can afford to change your permanent residence.
  • Third simple step is to plant trees as much as you can around your home or the plaza where your flat is situated. If you are not sure about the land where you want to plant trees you can contact your nearby civic or city administration to seek permission from them to plant trees near your house.

Apart from these three urgent steps you can also take some long term steps including:
  • Make your habit to maintain the engine of your car regularly
  • Keep the silence of your car in good condition
  • Never use adulterated petrol
  • Use petrol in case of emergency else always fill CNG in your vehicle
  • Use car when its use become unavoidable otherwise try to use public transport
  • Don’t follow the style of one car for each family member and convince family members to take benefit of one vehicle
  • Convince people around you to follow the above habits like you do

We must keep in mind that together we can protect our environment better. Now the situation has come that not only us but our little kids are getting hurt by the menace of pollution so much so that research studies are warning us to think for its mitigation before it’s too late. 

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