Future of every green blog is lush green

how is the scope of green blogging
If you google top profitable niche you will never find “Green” as one of them. Why? Because those, who write such articles, have nothing to do with going green. They simply follow the approach of “get rich quick” and mention those topics that promise to make you rich immediately. Actually they don’t have basic concepts of green sector that is not limited to pollution, climate change or green care. It is a huge industry and expanding day by day.

Green sector on the rise

Right now green industry is not so huge but the way things are moving in politics and economics it is confirm that it will grow astronomically in future. If environmental aspect is not addressed in industrial process all our resources will wipe out. So every country have no choice but to become stricter to follow green laws and every industry has
to become green eventually. Secondly the brand promotion will largely depend upon how much green it is. Here green means environment friendly. No business will survive without being green in near future.

Green marketing too

As soon as green sector will grow obviously green marketing will also expand. The advertising of green business will flourish and competition in this field will rise. It means more business to online green marketers and green blog would be one amongst them.

Plant a green blog today

Usually to establish your blog two to three years are required. It is an established truth. Interestingly if you plant a sapling today it becomes tree in same period of time. After two to three years green sector will expand robustly as we discussed above. It means if you plant a green blog today it will become an established blog in next two years and meanwhile you will have lot of green advertising options to monetize your blog.

Right now things are not bleak

If you have an established green blog (with huge traffic and contents) right now or about to become so you still have lot of options to monetize it. Google Adsense is the best option for your green blog because most of the keywords related to green sector are highly searched and not a single of them has less than 10,000 monthly searches. It means if you properly do SEO (search engine optimization or online publicity) of your green contents you will easily attract traffic through search engines. Besides you can also publicize your post on social media where green groups have thousands and thousands of members to notice your contents. Moreover, competition in this field is still low and you can establish yourself with less effort. Besides green affiliates are also working online though their demand is not so much high. On Clickbank and Amazon there are lot of green products which you can sell on your green blog.

So let’s build a green blog today

You can run a green blog online at any free blogging platform initially to assess how much you can enjoy it and later on earn through it. Apart from many others, the two most popular free blogger platforms are:
At Wordpress there are two disadvantages so you should not start your blog on it if you don’t want to spend a single penny.
  • You cannot put your ads on it if you also want to earn money through it
  • You don’t have much control over the layout and design of wordpress blog if you want to run it free

While on blogger platform you can place ads and you have lot of control over its design and layout. Even though you still don’t have as much control as you may have after buying a domain name and hosting plan to run this. Initially either on Wordpresss or Blogger you should not buy even your domain if you don’t want to earn through it. Yes if you feel you have interest in green blogging then you should plan from the beginning to buy a domain and hosting. On Wordpress, free domain is like this; www.yourdomain.wordpress.com and on blogger: www.yourdomain.blogspot.com. If you buy your own domain it would be like this: www.yourdomain.com.

What you can cover in your green blog?

Green blog means doing a blog on any environmental topic like climate change, pollution, green energy or green technology. Many people start a blog on all green topics but you should be sure about your interest and knowledge on all green topics. You must be fully conversant with green energy and industrial pollution with equal level of flair. It is advisable to select one topic and put your energies to write maximum useful information to attract maximum information. Nowadays green energy has become the most popular green niche and lot of blogs are being developed on this topic. Following are the most relevant green topics to start a blog on any of them.
  • Pollution
  • Climate change
  • Green technology
  • Green energy
  • Green business
  • Green living
  • Gardening
  • Pet and animals

How to attract traffic on green blog?

Keywords are the words which people write on search engines to get their desired information. If 5,000 people search about a piece of information by writing a keyword it means its search value is 5,000. All the keywords related to green topics are highly searched and have searches around 10 to 40 thousands mostly. So there is no need to worry about traffic if you write contents on your green blog with highly searched keywords in them you would be getting lot of traffic in little time if you properly follow on-page and off-page SEO rules. Moreover, through social media sharing also you can attract a lot of traffic.
How to earn through a green blog?
  • If you put sufficient number of contents on your green blog (20 to 30 posts) you can apply for Google Adsense and put its ads on your blog according to its policies.
  • Amazon and Clickbank have green products you need to register yourself in both these affiliates and sell their green products on commission basis.
  • There are several other affiliates that also offer attractive commission if you sell their products. You can search green affiliates by just writing the keyword “green advertisers” on Google search engine and you would find a lengthy list to select from them that are suitable to your blog
  • Direct advertisement is also another option. If you manage to attract huge number of traffic you may be offered advertisements by various businesses related to environment sector. For this you have to put a separate page “Advertise” on your blog telling the rates you accept for the ads at various positions on your blog.
  • Green ebook is another source of earning money through your blog. You need to write an ebook on any green topic that solves the problems of your target audience. You can sell it by showcasing it on your blog. 

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