No space for green marketing! Are we fools or hypocrites?

Green marketing means to market the green features of a product to boost its sales. Right?

Its concept is not so old and became famous as soon as the need of going green is felt first in advance countries and then all over the world.

Those who want to adopt green living need green products. It doesn’t mean the color of such products is green. Actually they are environment friendly products. All environmental requirements are fulfilled while making them. Their use and consumption also barely hit our environment.
green marketing

Environmental standards for manufacturing

For example if a company makes a product by fully following the environmental standards it is called a green product. Environmental standards means:
·         Disposing off factory waste at designated landfill site
·         Neutralising hazardous waste through an appropriate technology before its disposal
·         Releasing effluent after its treatment

·         Installing stack at the chimney of the factory to mitigate the adverse impacts of its smoke
·         Keeping in-house environment clean and safe
·         Maintaining noise from manufacturing activities to their minimum possible level

Environmental features of a product

If a factory follows above standards while making a product it is called a green product. Also it should have following green features;
·    Its packaging should be of biodegradable material and can’t be of any material that is non-biodegradable like polythene bags
·         Its carrying items like boxes, bottles should preferably be reusable and recyclable
·         Its packaging should not have any toxic chemicals
·         Its raw material should be organic or at least free from all harmful stuff
So we can say it is a green product. To sell such types of product instead of simple marketing its green marketing is done. It highlights the green features of the product to boost its sales to green communities.

Consumers still follow old trends

But unfortunately our consumption patterns still move on same direction of seeking maximum benefits with minimum cost caring a damn to environment. It is common all over the world. People want to buy a product;
·         That is in fashion
·         That can fulfil their needs at the fullest level
·         That has competitive price
·         That has resale value if it is not a consumable item.

Reasons of lesser demand of green products

So people don’t see if the product is green or not. Its main reasons are following:
·         People don’t have that much green awakening which can control their purchase decision
·         They do have green awakening but they don’t have that much purchasing power to go for a higher price just because the product is green
·         In many parts of the world people don’t have basic environmental awareness and they just want the benefits which fulfil their materialistic needs

How to make people aware on green products?

So it is must to create awareness in people to make a room for green marketing all over the world. For this purpose:
·         Government must strictly enforce green laws to bind factories to follow environmental standards in their manufacturing process.
·         A mass awareness drive with the consortium of government, industries and communities should be conducted to let people know benefits of using a green product
·         Incentives should be given to both sellers and buyers of green products with subsidies and discounts respectively.

So these are few suggestions to create space for green marketing to increase demand of green products all over the world.

In this way our consumption patterns will also follow environmental standards and we will not harm our planet Earth as much as we are doing now.

How is the situation in your country/city with regard to green products market? Does your government support green industry and how is the public awareness level?

Do share your views in comments section below to learn more with the experiences of each other.

I am sure you will share this post on social media to bring more and more people for spreading this message far and wide.

1 comment:

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