Do you know how silently indoor pollution kills households?

More than half of the population of Asia relies on burning of biomass fuel including wood, crop refuse, animal dung and heavy garbage to cook their food.

As a result smoke emits while they cook and it has many harmful gases including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide that affect the respiratory system of households.

According to World Health Organisation nearly 2 million people die of this form of pollution every year and more than half of them are from poor regions of Asia and Africa.

Women are worst hit of indoor pollution

Womenfolk are the most vulnerable to this form of pollution because mostly they cook food. They have to be near to the fireplace for hours that keep emitting smokes.
indoor pollution

Secondly little girls are equally most vulnerable to it. In conservative societies of poor regions they are not allowed to go out from home without any reason. As a result most of the diseases related to indoor pollution are reported in women and girls in Asia and Africa.

No exhaust in kitchen

Houses are not built with a proper plan in poor regions. As a result no any cross ventilation arrangement is built while constructing a house.

Subsequently the smoke that is created from fire-place inside the house does not go out and households have to keep inhaling it. Because of poverty most of the people can’t afford to install an exhaust to emit the stale air of the home outside.

Gas stove is beyond their purchasing power

Most of the population can’t buy a costly gas stove. Even if they buy one, they don’t have that much money to buy gas on monthly basis and add another burden on their monthly expenses. Micro financing is also equal to none in poor regions. So they are also unable to use this facility to get rid of this form of pollution.

According to a report this is the fourth most harmful pollution because people come under its contact for a longer period of time.

Generally people stay in home longer than they stay outside to do job, business or get education. Secondly during their lengthy stay inside home they keep inhaling and do nothing while sleeping. During their stay at home they inhale most of the indoor pollutants including gases, particles and dust.

Diseases caused by indoor pollution

The most common fatal diseases because of this form of pollution are pneumonia, typhoid, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer. It also causes asthma, eye irritation, throat infection, breathing problem if someone remains under its direct contact.

Households remain easily-irritated and short tempered because of this menace and get tired after doing a little work because they have to take extra effort to breathe smoothly.

How to control pollution of your home?

To control indoor pollution it is necessary to make cross ventilation in your home and put an exhaust that emit the stale air of the home and bring fresh air.
Besides, following plants should be planted inside home that reduces its intensity.
·         Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
·         Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
·         Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
·         Rubber Plant (Ficus robusta)
·         Dracaena “Janet Craig” (Dracaena deremensis)
·         Philodendron (Philodendron sp.)
·         Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
·         Ficus Alii (Ficus macleilandii “Alii”)
·         Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata “Bostoniensis”)
·         Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum “Mauna Loa”)

Similarly instead of buying any other luxury item households should first buy a high quality stove to create less smoke while cooking and be safe from various poisonous gases.

So this how people can control indoor pollution and stay safe from its harmful effects. Otherwise more and more people will suffer from this fourth harmful type of pollution.

How is the situation in your country with regard to indoor pollution? Do share your views and observations to help my readers learn more on this topic.

Please never forget to share this post on social media as together we can better protect our planet Earth from all types of pollution.

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