How to raise environmental awareness through a youth festival?

environmental awareness through youth festival
Youth festival is an excellent event to bring the younger generation of your area or city together to provide an opportunity to enjoy, have fun, share experience with each other and exchange views on topics of common interest. For this purpose a non-government organization or group of such organizations join hands with each other and organize such type of event to give teens a chance to participate in social activities. This event can be exploited to raise environmental awareness in people.

Main objectives of a youth festival

The key objectives of holding a youth festival are:

  • To bring young generation towards positive activities
  • To make them become active member of the social fabric of society
  • To motivate them play their role in collective social life
  • To give them chance to get direct look at various social issues
  • To prompt them share their views on various social problems

In above objectives the main objective is to involve younger generation in the process of solution of various social problems. Though environmental problems are very grave by their nature but usually are considered one of the social problems. Therefore, we can say solution of pollution problems can also be an objective of youth festival.

Main activities of a youth festival

Usually following activities are carried out in a youth festival:
  • Musical show
  • Dance party
  • Tea or high tea or dinner party
  • Quiz show
  • Song competition
  • Indoor games
  • Comedy show
  • Debate competition
  • Poster competition

How to organize a green youth festival?

To make your festival green you need to pick the activities that are green in nature or that help participants to express their views on various green issues. In this way all the participants not only think about various environmental issues present around them but also seriously plan to play their role for their solution. Or at least whenever they advertently or inadvertently about to add in pollution by their careless attitude they recall the lesson they learnt in such festivals.
Here are a few tips to make your youth festival green.
  • If there is quiz competition give a sapling for free to every participant
  • Organize a poster competition on hot environment issue of your area
  • Arrange a debate competition on any huge pollution problem
  • Invite green activists in your festival
  • Install banners or signboards with messages on environmental care
  • Make a lucky draw and give to winner a dustbin or sapling
  • Invite green product manufacturers to put up a stall to promote their products
  • Distribute a handbill with message of environmental care
  • Install a huge board with pledge to control pollution and ask all to sign it

How to plan a green youth festival?

To plan a youth festival to raise environmental awareness you need to decide final things and then implement the plan.
  • Where from you get budget either through donations, participation fee, entry ticket or funding from any donor or retained earnings of your previous project.
  • The place where you have to arrange this event
  • Date and timing of the event
  • Development of list of invitees and invitation to them through e-card or paper card
  • Hiring of musicians, confirmation of quizzers and artists etc
  • Seek participation from schools and colleges to take part in various scheduled competitions
  • Announcement on social media to let youth know about the event
  • Press announcement of the event
  • Finally holding of the event
  • Development of event report to mail it to green organizations
  • Extensive media and social media coverage of the event
  • Final report to describe how much you succeeded to raise environmental awareness through youth festival

So these are the important tips to organize a youth festival in your area to raise environmental awareness. You can do this if you are a community group, non-governmental green organization or governmental organization. Just will is required to do such public awareness activities to bring all people on same page for the protection and conservation of our ever-degrading environment. 

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