Just will is required for transition to green economy

how to build a green economy
A few years ago the entire world was confused over the question of which economy was the best; capitalist or the socialist. But now we all know what happened to both of them. Socialist economy collapsed just after the fall of USSR and the entire communist bloc of Eastern Europe. All these countries have modified their economic system and adopted several good features of the capitalist economy. Recent financial crisis have exposed the strength of capitalist economies in Europe and America where governments had to step in to rescue their cracking economic systems. Thank God now no two persons debate over the pros and cons of both the economic system. The whole world very well knows that the best economic system is one that is sustainable and must not work at the cost of our natural resources.

Is green economy a refuge?

No serious efforts are done in any country for the transition to green economy that is not only viable in this environmentally chaotic era but also a profitable option if it is adopted in the longer term. If someone thinks that the green economy is simply the best available option till a new system
is developed it means he is just taking it as the best of the worst. With this mindset no one can reap its benefits that are long-term in nature. People have to wait for some time to practically see its blessings. Under this system of economic management whatever you do you do it keeping in mind your tomorrow. If you use all your resources today just to earn for tomorrow then what you would be doing tomorrow with empty hands for day after tomorrow. This is the basic approach of green economy.

Green is main hurdle for going green

Why countries are not serious to adopt the system of green economy. Its answer is simple. In this race of advancing the lifestyle by hook or crook, who will follow a system that asks you first to wait and then think about the return. Nowadays everyone is running after the get-rich-quick type of recipe and foolishly forget the disaster that one has to face as a result of frenzy to earn more money in less time. Those who talk about green way of living have to accept the title of being idealistic and they are called people of ancient times. Talking about green way of living does not mean someone is against the machine. A proponent of green economy simply wants a rational use of machine in human life. It should be used where it can make our life easy and comfortable. It must not be used at the cost of our natural resources, health and well being. Who among us discusses with friends that in what condition we are going to hand over this world to our coming generations? This type of debate is usually considered philosophical or it is done when people don’t have any other issue to pass the time.

We are part of a collective action

To make a transition to green economy no doubt action at collective level is required but who are part of the collective action. Obviously they are the individual who work together to bring a collective change. Therefore, we being individual have to talk openly about the benefits of green economy where every production is made keeping in full view of our environment and natural resources. Under such system short term benefits are abandoned for the long term permanent benefit of all types including monetary, physical, social and health-wise.


So these are my non-scholarly views about green economy that is under debate in every country but practical steps are rare everywhere to bring it into the action. Some have excuse of the pressure of the powerful lobbies of black energy producers and some others shed tears over the blackmailing of big commercial giants. Our political leaders are not ready to face such pressure because they just have to continue their offices and for this they find safety in short term approach to lead the people and put the world under the risk of fast depletion.  


  1. All of these countries have personalized their economic system and approved several good features of the capitalist economy.
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