5 easy tips for students to become environment friendly

Every member of the society should become environment friendly to save this world from all types of pollution hazards

Students are also an important group of our society. They are our future. They are the future of our planet Earth. If we need to make the future of our planet safe we must make them eco friendly.

5 tips for students to become environment friendly

Here are 5 tips to make the students of all levels environmentally friendly.

1. Waste minimum and become environment friendly

This is the first lesson for our students to become environment friendly. These are simple go green tips to follow and avoid generating waste in school and at home both.
students love environment

  • Never throw fair copies of previous year. Use its each blank page and even margins for rough work and then discard it.
  • Donate the used fair copies to any charity or sell them yourself and never throw them away.
  • Don’t discard your old books nor put them in the store of your home. Donate them to charity that works for welfare of poor students.
  • Ask your parents to buy you econ-friendly things related to your education; be it your back pack, water bottle or stationery.

2. Make your lunch box green

Students take their mid-day meal in a lunch box to school. They find many things which they don’t want to eat and take it back. So it is good to tell your mom what you don’t want to eat. But never refuse to eat that is good for health. 
Every veggie food item is the best for your health. Every food item which your mom wants you to eat is the best. Yes you can convince your mama to buy you eco-friendly lunch box to keep your lunch safe from all types of hazards.

3. Water bottle

Never use a water bottle of harmful plastic. So always ask your parents to buy you an eco-friendly water bottle. Buy a medium size bottle that carries enough water to quench your thirst during school hours. Never chill it and just put a little ice in summer.

4. Green shuttle service to school

If your school is away from home get a van service that must use green fuel, which does not harm environment much. If your school is near to home go by walking or buy a bicycle

5. Save energy

Conserve energy as much as possible while studying at home and school. Ask your parents to install energy savers in your room. 
Do your home work in sharp light but never switch on all lights when you are not studying. Do your entire computer work in one-go and avoid switching it on frequently.

So these are the top five tips to make our students environment friendly. If you are student follow them. If you have already passed this golden time just communicate them to your younger ones in your home and family. 

Take care and never forget to share this post on social media as together we can better protect our planet Earth from all types of hazards.

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