Use natural toothpaste and eat whatever you want to even if your are 70+

Many people get angry whenever I compare the way of living of people of the past era and present era. Here past means up to a hundred years ago.

In the past, people were healthier, happier and richer than us. They were not habitual of laziness. They did not rely too much on machines. They were not after short-live benefits. They didn't think about the present only while forgetting the future. So they were quite better than us.

But now on the excuse of a fast way of living people want everything ready-made. What is the use of a fast life where you don’t have time to even take care of yourself?

Fast food, canned juices, looking busy and doing nothing is in no way taking care of you. It is actually hurting yourself and remain unaware of its harms.

Look around yourself and ask someone what is organic. He will likely tell you organic means a thing produced without any processing.

They take it as negative which means not refined and not good for health. So this is the level of awareness of people about the green way of living.

Many people complain organic food is not available in their area. The shopkeepers are very right to say they can’t earn money by selling a small quantity of such food.

But there is a product for your long-term wellbeing so take extra efforts to buy it. If you use it I can guarantee you will be able to enjoy every food item by fully chewing it even in your old age. It relates to the health of your teeth.

Try natural toothpaste

So try organic or natural toothpaste instead of a famous brand of processed toothpaste. Even toothpastes of famous brands do have harmful content. Nothing can be processed without chemicals.

So never compromise on the selection of toothpaste. You don’t have to spend extra time or extra money for buying and using organic toothpaste.

Why people avoid using organic food and food-related items. They do because:

  • They don’t like people notice them of doing a thing in a different way
  • They think it takes extra time to use any organic product
  • They think it is hard to find an organic product
It may be possible that while using any organic product they have to take extra efforts. But you can use natural toothpaste without doing anything extra.

If natural toothpaste of any credible brand is available in the market to buy it and use it. Otherwise, you can make it at your home as a stock for the whole month.

Homemade natural toothpaste ingredients

  • About 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of baking soda
  • 2 small packets of stevia powder
  • 15-20 drops of peppermint or cinnamon essential oil
  • 10 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract (optional)
  • 10 drops myrrh (a herb) extract (optional)

How to Make Natural Homemade Toothpaste?

First of all melt or slightly tender the coconut oil

Mix other ingredients into it and stir well. You need to stir it with full force and continue to make all ingredients fully mixed into the oil.

Now store the mixture into the small jar together or separately for each family member

Let it cool completely

To use simply dip the toothbrush into it, and then rub it on your teeth.

Now, what do you say? Do you need to do any lengthy process to make natural toothpaste for a longer life of your teeth?

Nor any of its ingredients is costly or you have to go far away to buy it. All are easily available in any supermarket. None of them has any higher cost.

So don’t wait and just buy them today to make your natural toothpaste at home quite easily. Enjoy your stronger teeth for a longer time.

Now you can say to yourself “eat whatever you want to eat regardless of your age”.


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