10 simple tips for noise pollution control

how to control noise pollution
Noise pollution is equally harmful like other types of pollution. In our daily life we ignore so many people having visible impact on their health and attitude of this menace. Even we don’t notice how our own health is being affected because of it. We just express our concern about it and drive away our car honking to get the passage. Here are ten simple tips for noise pollution control.

Noise pollution control at home

1) Noise-free electronic appliances: Such appliances are easily available in market. You just need to pay a few bucks extra but if you don’t do this you have to pay more than this eventually to your doctor for the treatment of your weakening nerves and hearing.
2) Use of head phone for TV and Music: It may seem a little extra sophistication but if someone in family wants to listen music in loud voice others should not pay its price. That is why more than one head phone
must be available in your home.
3) No honking in front of home: When you reach home the sound of the engine of your vehicle is enough to let your house-mates know about your arrival. You need not to honk and disturb the calm of your home.

Noise pollution control at workplace

4) Noiseless office appliances: Ghrrrr of printer and shoon shoon of photocopier are equally irritating if it keeps coming all the time. So its alternate is to buy noiseless office appliances and be safe from the harms of noise pollution that ranges from making you deaf to cause any coronary problem in you.
5) Keep your fingers touched on keyboard: While typing if you create noise by touching your fingers loudly with keyboard that is also a little noise pollution. So keep your fingers touched over the keyboard and help keep the office environment calm down.
6) Intercom the best way of internal communication: Even you sit with your colleagues in a big hall it is less noisy to talk to them on intercom that is also a corporate way of speaking at workplace. Otherwise your workplace will portray as if it is an outcry-based auction house.

Noise pollution control in neighborhood

7) No honking in residential area: Make the switch of your horn little thorny so that whenever you push it you feel thorns over your thumb. In this way you will push it in case you must have to honk to warn anyone.
8) Open air dance parties, take care of others: It is your right to enjoy your life but not at the cost of the others peace. So arrange your open air dance parties by playing music with less sound or head phone to each guest is also an ideal option that is gradually getting popular in most of the advanced countries.

Noise pollution control on road

9) Silencer of your vehicle in good condition: Keep the silencer and engine of your vehicle in good condition to let minimum noise emit from it while it is moving.
10) No music while driving, just important news in low tones: Under traffic laws it is prohibited to listen music while driving. Yes you can listen the news on Radio to get yourself updated about your surroundings. 

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