5 easy ways to raise environmental awareness in your community

how to raise environmental awareness in community
While coming and going from home maybe you feel daily the environmental mess around your locality because of the lack of awareness of your community. In our residential areas no doubt most of the environmental care is the responsibility of civic agencies like garbage collectors, sanitary workers but the role of community is equally important. For example if sanitary workers come to your area at 7'o clock in the morning to clean the roads and streets it means all the housemates must put the entire garbage of their homes before 7'o clock. If they get late then the garbage they put outside home after going of sweepers will litter around whole day till the next day sweepers come again. Here community needs environmental awareness to take care of environment by its own will. 
Here are 5 easy ways to raise environmental awareness in your community to make them play their role for the improvement of their local environment. 

Green Blog

You can make a green blog on any free blogging platform like Blogger or Wordpress to simply communicate to community what they need to do for the proper maintenance of cleanliness in their area. You can point out main environmental issues of your area to let all know about their significance. Making a blog is as easy as ABC. You need to visit www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com and click for sign-up for a new blog. Keep a good name of blog that shows its link with your area and write small posts narrating various aspects of environment of your area. You need not to worry about quality of posts nor about the design of the blog. You are not making a green blog to get huge traffic and earn extra bucks. After making a blog let the community know about its URL. For this word-of-mouth is the best source of publicity. Whoever you know in your community tell him the URL in writing to pass it on to others as well. In this way you can easily take on board your community members to look after your surrounding environment collectively. 

Social Media

The second option is little easier than green blogging. You need to create a page or group on any popular social media account with a name that reflects the area where you live and you just have to ask all your neighbours and other people living in your area to be the member of that group. From that group you can share you environmental concerns with them and can motivate them to make collective efforts for the improvement of your local environment. 

Green Club

If you have more time you can establish a community based Green Club to interact in free time to discuss the environmental issues of your area and to make them act together for the green cause. For this purpose you need not to get registration of your club. You just need to write on a plain paper the name and objectives of your club to distribute it among community members. You should also mention the schedule of community meetings to get together and discuss and solve the environment issues of your area. 

Women Forum

In societies where earning livelihood of the family is job of men folk and their women live in homes as housewife the option of Women Forum can bring best results to raise environmental awareness in community to solve the environmental problems of your area on self-help basis. If women folk has to stay at home they have usually free time to make campaign for the environmental care of their area and can solve their green issues on self-help basis. 

Religious Podium

In societies where religion dominates, the religious podium of either Church or Mosque can also be a good platform the bring community there and discuss with them the issues of surrounding environment. Here religious leader of the community can also play leading role to take all people together for the enhancement of environmental awareness and resolution of green issues. 

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