Let’s go green in our every moment of joy

It is so simple to go green in moments of joy and pleasure. In times of sorrow we cannot manage our green pledge because of our sad mood. But in happiness we can spare some love for our mother Nature. Out little care can make our environment little safe from pollution load. But first we have to see when we rejoice.
  • On Christmas
  • On Happy New Year
  • On Diwali (religious rejoicing of Hindus)
  • On Eid (religious rejoicing of Muslims)
  • On our and our loved ones’ birthday
  • On our and our loved ones’ marriage

Apart from above there may be several other occasions when you and I get happy but by and large these are our main events of happiness. I am not giving a lengthy list of dos and dons here because this I can do in any other post. Here we can just make one pledge, we all, to follow it forever. It will not cost a single penny to us. Even it will make us save some money.

What do we want to do on the occasion of above events? We just want to enjoy. We want lot of fun. But we don’t want to be happy alone. It is the nature of human being that at the time of rejoicing it wants to live with people. Yes at the time of sorrows many people want to be alone because they don’t want to show their grief to others. This is the great quality of human being.
Now again come to the topic what we can do at the time of our rejoicing to care mother Nature and go green. Very simple we can make our habit to avoid using any kind of paper greeting cards to share our joys or to invited people to come to our ceremonies. Our first priority must be e-cards. There are hundreds and hundreds of websites that give you thousands of e-cards to send to your loved ones and go green. Here are a few:
It is possible that someone to whom you want to send an e-card maybe not an internet user or does not check his or her mail regularly. In this case you have the option to use recycled greeting cards. Such cards are also available online. Here are a few websites that offer recycled greeting cards for sale
So, only will is required to go green in our whole life. This one tip to go green on the occasions of our rejoicing can be the first step towards changing our whole life style to make it a green and environment friendly way of living. 

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