Tag a sapling with the gift to your loved ones

benefits of giving sapling as gift
It is quite common we give gift to our loved ones. We earnestly wait for an occasion to come and we never forget to express our love with them. Either the relationship is romantic or not but we always feel happiness by giving a beautiful present to those who have importance in our life. They are not simply our relatives and friends. Our colleagues, class fellows, business partners, club fellows, online friends and several others who have contacts with us can be recipients of our gift on memorable occasions. 

What gifts we give to them?

It depends upon the occasion. If it’s a private relationship obviously it depends upon the calling of our heart. Whatever our heart wants we give that gift to
our loved one. That gift may be simply a chocolate heart or diamond heart but we cannot assess its worth with its price. It is priceless because it is the expression of love that has no price from the beginning of this world. In formal relationship we give a gift to our loved ones that lasts as longer as possible. This we don’t want to benefit the receiver but we want he or she remembers us as long as that gift remains in active use.

How our loved ones react on our gifts?

Obviously they also give maximum importance to our gifts. They feel it, touch it and whenever they see it they miss us, smile remembering our latest meeting, laugh by remembering any lighter moment they spent with us. In short every loving memory of our relationship with them comes back into their mind whenever they see our gift. But the bitter reality is that either our gift is long lasting or perishable in both the cases it loses its worth after sometime when a new gift by us replaces the old one. Secondly some gifts go out of fashion and they can’t use them if they have to go with the present time. Therefore, every gift, either costly or not, loses its value and worth but it does not mean they throw old gifts away. If the old gift is durable enough they keep it with them but never use it. It means it goes into the state of disuses.

Gift of sapling neither perishes, nor loses value

Sapling is the gift that grows up and becomes a full tree. If it is of fruit, it will give to your loved ones seasonal fruit every year. Tree does not go out of fashion. Nor service life of tree ends. It also provides shade that makes your loved ones remind you whenever they stand or sit under its shade. While eating its fruit they will obviously miss you.

So what are you thinking?

The only need is to convince your loved ones that they plant your gift of sapling and take care of it till it grows as tree. You can convince easily if your relationship with your loved ones is strong then obviously they would feel as if they are caring about your relationship with them while taking care of sapling to grow as tree.

Price does matter

The price of gift is also considered because it is a quick yardstick to assess the depth of love with who you are giving a gift. The price of sapling is not usually high but it needs lot of care and constant attention. But this issue can be solved if you just tag a sapling with every gift to your loved one. In this way the depth of your feeling with him or her will not be questioned and you will easily make your relationship greener with every gift to him or her. 

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