Going green is mostly a stupid idea in Asia

Going green is a ridiculous idea in Asia
I am the eye witness of this fact. Having been associated with the environmental sector for the last twenty years I mostly found people laughing at one who talks about environment. This is common in most of the least developed Asian countries. Even the fast growing countries of Asian give less importance to environmental care. Their main concern is to make development in every sector especially in manufacturing sector. Their aim is to become industrialized nations and capture the global markets for foreign exchange.

They run after grey development

This is the key argument against going green. Every second industrialist gives this argument when someone asks him to follow environmental laws. Industries threaten to raise prices if they are forced to install treatment
plant. They say they would cover the cost of treatment from consumers. Actually they don’t want to cut their profit margin and instead of that they want to up the prices.

Civil society is least concerned for going green

Most of the civil societies in such poor and less develop countries is working to reduce poverty. They work for education and health. When the issue of going green comes up they put it in their list of least priorities. They equally have strong argument against going green. They say how come we ask a hungry and sick person to plan a tree. They mean to say that first there is need to reduce poverty and promote health and education after that people would think about environment.

Media runs after news value

In less developed countries of Asia media is powerful. After the rise of electronic media it holds sway over the governance scene. But it also covers the issues that have news value. It is very right they would publish or broadcast those happenings that people want to read and know. Therefore, the issues of grave nature have more news value for it. Most of such countries are disturbed with lawlessness, ignorance, extremism, corruption, sectarianism and several other social issues. Therefore, news value wise the turn of environment comes in the last.

Asian rulers have nothing to do with going green

In most of the less developed Asian countries politics is an arena of confrontation. Ruling and opposition parties remained engaged in tug of war. Opposition hounds over the government. On the other hand government does not miss any chance to crush the opposition. Both follow the populist politics. They work first to serve their own interest. After that they try to solve the public issues of urgent nature. Abatement of poverty and unemployment is most urgent of them. Even many political parties win the election on the basis of these two slogans. If a candidate makes a promise for going green after coming into power no one gives importance to his claim. Even most of them would laugh over him and call his claim a bookish and impractical promise.

Majority of the population of Asia is less developed or unaware. We know this sort of people have limited vision for problem solving. Their leaders fully exploit their short sightedness and serve them in short term and avoid making any long term development. As a result they just think about their today’s needs and never care about their future problems. 

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