It is never too late; so let’s solve the pollution problems

tips to solve pollution problems

In the history of human beings no need was felt to worry about pollution problems in the initial centuries when the only source of pollution was burning of wood for cooking purpose or heating the cold weather. Lifestyle was so simple and the entire life used to revolve around basic necessities of food, shelter and clothes. Water was pure and in abundance, air was clean and land was pure. It was not because of the environmental friendliness of the people of those times. It was because population was lesser and development has yet to come to create greed in people.

When humans first thought about pollution problems

It was 5th century when population started rising. Indoor pollution took its shape and started affecting the human health. Similarly wheel was invented and people realized what was going to
happen in subsequent years. So many reformers in those days talked about importance of greenery in life but they could not have gotten the attention of historians to become part of the history of the world.

First legislation for green care

In 7th century it was Great Britain that approved the first green law of its kind though it did not directly relate to green care but it focused to protect the biodiversity. Then UK legislatures passed the law for the protection of birds. After that major green legislation was made in France where in 1366 a regulation was approved to restrict butchers to dispose of animal refuse safely outside the city. Subsequently in 1388 UK Parliament passed the law for the safe disposal of the solid waste and littering in the water bodies was totally banned.

Green uprising at global level

Global fraternity first time realized the significance of the safety of environment when in 5th century Portuguese set a huge area of their forest on fire to acquire its land for the human settlement. Global leaders of those times noted this act against the nature and first time a consensus was seen to protect the world environment. In 1609 a marine expert Hugo Grotius published a book “The Free Sea” and tried to convince the world that seas are the joint property of the entire world therefore, their protection should also be the collective responsibility of all the countries of the globe.

Momentum in environmental concerns

It was 19th century when machine started replacing the mechanical work. Most of the automated process used to base upon coal-fire and shot up the level of air pollution in advanced countries. However, momentum to worry about pollution problems had yet to speed up that is why advanced nations kept on moving upward because of their dominance over the global political system.

Global consensus on environmental care

It was late 20th century when population rise perturbed the global planners and producers had no option but to produce more and more to meet the rising level of demand of goods and service. From that point a competition stiffened among national and global producers and they left no stone unturned to achieve their production targets and took least care of their surrounding environment. Then global green demagogues came to realize that if world would keep on progressing without caring about their natural resources then it will not have much raw material in future to produce more and meet the ever-rising demand. This perception developed the concept of sustainable development that means you make development but not at the cost of environment.

Why environmental degradation is still there?

The main reason of no uniformity in pollution level around the world is that some countries are polluting more and some are doing less that is it varies from region to region. Secondly air pollution specially does not know no border that is it is affecting the entire world and those who are not polluting are equally being affected by its harms. There is no immediate solution of this disparity other than carbon tax that means just to keep developing every country by giving minimum pollution limit and after that if it makes more pollution it has to pay tax that should be spent for the environmental care of those countries where it is not higher. But this mechanism is in its initial shape and at global level this issue is moving ahead very slowly. Meanwhile nations of the world have to suffer as usual from the pollution problems. 

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