Lack of will is the main reason of huge pollution in China

why there is lot of pollution in China
In a recent development an official of the Chinese environmental protection department disclosed that during first quarter of 2013 nearly 16 cases of sheer environmental violation and degradation were tackled by the government. This is first time that such information unofficially made to public. In these cases includes a famous case of river pollution when local pollution control official of Beijing openly declared that Cangxian County, Hebei province is polluted so much so that many pollutants are 70 times higher than its national standards. This brought on widespread hue and cry and ultimately that official was removed from his post.

Little pollution control steps

In another development the Chinese environmental protection department fined nearly 68 factories on polluting water. That shows though the government level action is being taken to control
pollution but is this enough in a country where foreigners are thinking to leave on account of rising level of air pollution. What is the ratio of 68 with total number of Chinese factories that are causing huge amount of both water and air pollution.

Huge setup is required

Obviously Chinese administration needs a huge setup to control pollution. For this purpose it needs more extensive staffing in its environment department. Secondly it also needs to have latest pollution control skills to combat the rising level of environmental degradation. From outside it seems most of the Chinese focus is on industrial production as it seems from rising number of its products floating in every market of the world. But its most of the industrial production has least concerns about environment at its policy level. That is why now it has to incorporate in its industrial setup the green parameters for greener production. But initially it simply has to fine the polluting industries to declare now no one would be allowed to pollute.

Another blame for pollution in China

There is another allegation over the government of China that due to its controlled economy it is unable to freely take action against polluting corporations. If it does so it has to bear its cost by itself. Because being owner and manager of the most of the giant corporations it has to itself put treatment plants in them and to pay their recurring cost. In this way the cost of production of its goods will rise and it will have to compromise over its rising share in global market. All know that China has edge in global market because of cheap prices of its products.

Alarming level of air pollution in China

The level of air pollution is the most alarming in China as compare to rest of the world. The overall amount of pollution it produces is more than the total grey stuff produced by India and US both. It shows where the pollution control in priority list of China comes. But the leaders of China must realize this fact that in future the crown of global leadership will also be awarded on the basis of green policies of a country. If it really has to retain its position as flourishing economic power of the world then it must have to fully take care of environmental aspect in its every field.

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