Here is the most vital tip to quit smoking forever

the most vital tip to quit smoking
Smoking is injurious to health. Isn’t it a red alert for us? On every packet we see such warning with different phrases and even with images of a dying statue. But do we worry to read it. Did we ever think about its literal meaning? We damned care about it because it warns about our health not of our loved ones.

We care our loved ones more than us

This is the secret very few anti-smoking campaigners rarely apply to convince people quit smoking. They think it simply an emotional appeal that hardly works to hit the mind of smokers. But just think what we do if we listen about the occurrence of any havoc or tragic incident in our area. We waste no time to phone our family to ask about their safety. We want safety of our family first. We earn not
only for us but equally for our family. We may be living alone but our heart remains full of the memories of our loved ones. So we give priority to the safety and wellbeing of our family and loved ones first. Then we think about ourselves.

But why we smoke?

We usually smoke to refresh our brain. Though it is a stupid idea but we do this. We actually kill our brain by smoking a cigarette. We sometime smoke for fun. Here again to have fun for the time-being we bring disaster for our health. It means despite knowing the harms of smoking we do it and proudly say we can’t quit it.
We don’t believe in anti-smoking tips
There are hundreds of tips that claims to make you quit smoking but most of them work for a little time and after sometime its beneficiary again start smoking. All of them have temporary solutions to make you quit smoking. Either these are medicines or psychological tips no one could have worked successfully. That is why number of smokers is increasing all across the globe. It means anti-smoking campaigns fail to bring result.

Can will-power make you quit smoking?

It is generally said if you really want to quit smoking you can do this. Is there anybody in this world who doesn’t want to quit smoking? It means there are people who want to get rid of this menace but can’t do that. It also means only will-power is not enough to quit it. Moreover, all people have not same level of strength in their will. So it is foolish to expect people can stay away from it if they want.

So what is the solution?

Solution lies in your loved ones. They are only your loved ones who can make you quit smoking. You need to link them with your habit of smoking. This you have to do practically. Just take a picture of your most loved one and paste that picture on the front side of the packet of your cigarette brand. In picture your loved one should be stopping you from doing something bad by swinging the finger. In this way whenever you will try to open the packet to take out a cigarette you would see the photo of your loved one forbidding you to smoke and you will have to quit smoking sooner or later. When you quit it; keep the packet with you as a precious thing and whenever you feel need to smoke again take that pack out and put the cigarettes in it. Again you will see the photo and will not start smoking. 

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