It is too early to blame climate change for Oklahoma tornado

climate change and Oklahoma tornado
Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island blamed the climate change for Oklahoma tornado that killed more than 90 people apart from wrecking havoc on entire infrastructure of the town. No doubt climate change is the hot topic of global green politics but one should not make such haste to put blame of all natural disasters on environmental degradation. If we read the history of this world we get to know natural calamities are as old as the human civilization itself but in primitive days there was no any environmental problem. It means there may be several reasons of a natural disaster and environmental decay may be one of them. But it is not necessary that every natural havoc must fall on us because of global warming.

Key reason of tornado

According to scientific research the main reason of tornado is huge pressure in humid air that ultimately brings it on earth in shape of a disaster. The air of Oklahoma on the day of the disaster
was having 90 to 100 per cent humidity which normally should have up to 70 per cent. Moreover there were strong jet stream winds to provide lift. As a result the small town of US bore the brunt of a catastrophe which cannot be predicted well before time nor does any emergency response system fully protect the people living around it.

Why we make hast to blame

It is the nature of human being to make no delay and draw a conclusion on the reasons of any incident. May be it a man-made or natural incident we very promptly point finger at any cause that sometime could never be its real cause. It is very unfortunate that most of the politicians despite knowing less about climate change take no time to talk about it as if they are expert of it. This is the time all efforts must be diverted to rescue the victims of tornado and make urgent measures for their relief and then rehabilitation. It is not far ago when American saw hurricane Sandy and that time also simply climate change was blamed for the whole disaster.


Likelihood of climate change as one of the reasons of Oklahoma tornado cannot be fully brushed aside but there is need to make extensive research of the causes of this disaster. After knowing its exact reasons we can take measures to control its occurrence in future or at least mitigate the effects of its main causes. For this purpose there is need to show saner attitude and first fully rescue the victims and after that take measures to avoid such calamities as much as possible in future. 

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