4 easy tips to play your role to stop an act of polluting

stop polluting
Environmental violations cannot be stopped unless we raise voice against them. It is not so easy to standagainst any act of polluting in your area. Most of the time such polluters are most powerful or they have backing of a few powerful people or they themselves are rogue by nature. That is why they openly hit the nature just to serve their own interest. To stop crime against nature you need to act as an environmental activist of your area. Don’t worry you need not get any special skill for this purpose. Nor you have to spend much time. You just have to record you protest against polluters and their heinous act of polluting.

Write a letter in newspaper

This is the most simply way to try to stop environmental violation in your area. If you see any act of polluting around you just write a letter to editor of the newspaper of your area. If there is no newspaper publishes
from your city or town write to any national newspaper that is widely read in your area. Your task does not end here. As soon as your letter publishes in the newspaper cut its clipping and mail it to environmental authority of your area.

Complain to EPA

This is another simple way to stop act of polluting in your area. You need to bring to the notice of environmental protection agency of your area about environmental violation that is going on in your area. The name of environmental authority may be different in different countries so you need to find which organization controls pollution in your area. You can find it through internet if you are from a developing world or with the help of any government servant living in your area. Mostly such agencies work under government control so you can easily find its whereabouts from any source of information about the government of your country. After bringing the act of polluting into the notice of EPA you just have to make follow up by physically visiting the agency if it is near to your home or making a phone call to public relation office of the agency. If it is not possible you can write reminder over reminder to stop the polluting activities in your area.

Make a call

If the act of polluting in your area is of heinous nature and may hit the environment hugely in short time you can make a call to the EPA of your area or if it is so urgent then you can call to police helpline to stop environmental violation. For this task you need to be little daring because you have to be on the spot of crime if police arrive there. Therefore, you need to be cautious because such criminals may offend the complainant in revenge. But don’t worry this happens in countries where rule of law is not so strong.

Contact green NGO

If you think you don’t have time to stop act of polluting or there is risk in your direct involvement to stop the act of polluting then you can bring this violation to the notice of a green NGO of your area. There are a lot of green NGOs working in every part of the world. You just need to get their contact number through their website and ask them to make stop act of polluting that is going on in your area. 

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