Recycling begins at home so just do it

The best solution of garbage pollution is “reduce, reuse and recycle”. But environmentalists stress upon more on recycling because reduce means a little demand for deferment of your need or it means you reduce your all those needs that may create garbage. Reuse means you use a thing to its maximum level till it completely becomes rubbish. It also means you have to spend your life like a green mission. It is not possible for the people of the whole world because they have different level of environmental awareness. If we try to bring all of them on same level it may take several years. So we should keep on doing raising public awareness but simultaneously we should promote recycling that actually puts a new worth in your used things and you can also get monetary benefits from it. Moreover, it avoids adding pollution load and you contribute in mitigation of garbage pollution.

Status of recycling in the world

Advance countries: In advanced countries recycling is a separate industry that is doing huge business in terms of revenue and profit. When economic incentives work you need not to motivate
people to do certain acts. Such acts do this job by themselves because people can earn money through them. Therefore, in such countries there is no need of intensive efforts to promote recycling.
Developing countries: In developing countries the business of recycling is at the growing stage. In big cities some small firms are trying to introduce it at the community level but it has yet to grow and become a fully fledged industry to be able to stand on its own feet without any government support.
Backward countries: There is still a hapless and no doubt a very huge part of the world that even does not know what recycling is. A small aware segment of its society has the awareness on benefits and effects of recycling while rest of the population proudly discards everything after its use. Even most of them take it as status symbol to throw the things just after their use. In such countries there is urgent need to make aware its people on environmental significance of recycling and give their business communities to enter in this field and introduce this green action as a source of revenue at small level.

Recycling really begins at home

At home before discarding anything you must consider:
  • Is it complete rubbish for me or still has some worth?
  • Does it need a little innovation to be ready for re-use?
  • Can I recycle it with little effort or with a little guidance?

Before discarding anything from home we must segment it as:
  • Metal stuff
  • Wooden material
  • Cloth items
  • Plastic articles

After that make their recycling in order as given below:
Plastic articles first because most of them are non-biodegradable that is why use it maximum and then alter its usage like you can put artificial flower in plastic bottle or keep old papers in a plastic box
Cloth items can be recycled easily by stitching them again for different other purpose like a used T-shirt can serve the purpose of mop or floor cleaner and a little new shirt can be cut and stitched into several cloth mats or kitchen top cleaners.
Wooden material can be recycled if it is in good condition without any termite or other insects in it then you can get it remade by carpenter for your other subsidiary needs where appearance is not much important.
Metal stuff should first be evaluated to see if it is rusting and does not have any sharps or harmful corners or borders. After that if you can easily mould it for another purpose you should do it with a little guidance. 

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