The single most successful tip for green living

what is single green living tip
Green living style is getting popular in advance countries. But it is getting so a little slowly. In developing and least developed countries it is still a strange way of living that what people say it demands a lot to do. Most people think that a lengthy list is required to adopt green living. Yes, a list of dos and dons can work well but life is not a thing you spend following a list of things. You just have to set your priorities and then follow them during your whole life.

What are green priorities?

Your way of living should have well-defined green priorities. You must follow them during your both professional and person life. For this purpose you need not to write a lengthy discourse
describing your priority list. You just have to consider following points doing any type of work;
  • Can I use a reusable thing instead of the one which I have to throw away right after its use
  • Am I not adding any kind of pollution while doing my work?
  • Do I know my act can harm the environment?
  • Does my little care in my work can improve environment
  • Does my little attention can keep my environment safe?

So by considering the above five points before doing any kind of work can make you adopt a green living but these are five points and you must not have enough time to consider all of them for your every work. That is why there must be a single point which you make your green living rule to be free from any worry of harming your environment.

The single tip for green living

Now come to the point what I mean to write this post. This is very simple and each one of us can adopt this. For this tip we need not to;
  • Defer our any need
  • Spend any extra penny
  • Bother our comfort
  • Compromise on our desires
  • Be a green activist

What we need to do is we have to make our consumption green. It means whatever we consume either it is food, clothes or household articles in short everything we buy and consume that we must reuse for maximum time. Like if we buy food we buy in reusable packets, our clothes must have longer durability to discard lesser clothes in our life and we use all the things that we can reuse again and again. It means reuse is the main rule in our life which can make us adopt green living without changing our overall life style. Isn’t so simple? Please share your thoughts in comments below. 

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