Top 50 green ideas to celebrate World Environment Day 2013

how to celebrate world environment day
World Environment Day is just four days ahead. It is observed on 5th June every year all over the world to make commitment for the cause of green environment. This year the theme of this day is “Think Eat Save” that reminds us importance of food security in this era of depletion of natural resources. At global and national levels lot of activities are organized to let people know about the significance of this day. However, most of these activities focus fanfare more and practical aspect is covered little lesser. That is why it is wrongly presumed that the purpose of observing this day is just to enjoy and make fun. To negate the misconception I am here giving you top 50 green ideas to celebrate World Environment Day 2013 without much ado and just by taking care of your surrounding environment by yourself.

  1. At home: Switch off all unnecessary lights on the eve of World Environment Day and conserve energy
  2. Make shave manually and avoid using electric shaver to save power
  3. Use laptop to use mail and for important browsing not to just pass the time
  4. Take food in plate as much as you eat to avoid creating leftover
  5. Cook food as much as you can and avoid food wastage
  6. Don’t honk on entrance of your home nor in street
  7. Put off tape while shaving and rubbing hands with soap and conserve water
  8. Instead of bucket use thin-hole shower to use minimum water while bathing
  9. Reuse at least one used item on that day and make it your habit
  10. Instead of throwing away, feed the leftover food to birds and animals
  11. Give gift of sapling to your loved ones
  12. If there is space with soil in your home plant a sapling with a small sheet telling about this day
  13. At workplace: Instead of personal transport use public transport to come to office and go back to home
  14. Take print out on both sides of the paper if it is not required otherwise
  15. Switch off lights of your room or around your seat if you go out for lunch
  16. Find all papers that were used on one side and make it a rough note book
  17. Write a message on environment and put it on your desk top
  18. With every message through mobile write a tag line reminding others about World Environment Day
  19. In lunch time talk with colleagues about the day and motivate them to take care of environment
  20. Collect old newspapers and sell them to any recycling company
  21. Make a promise to protect environment and paste it on notice board for others to follow
  22. If you are boss, send a general request letter to all employees to take care of environment
  23. On phone call after salutation also remind the caller about the day
  24. In educational institution: If you are a teacher deliver a speech in prayer assembly on significance of this day
  25. Arrange a speech competition amongst best debaters of the school on the importance of this day
  26. Organize a poster competition and give awards to makers of best posters
  27. Ask students to write about your surrounding environment
  28. Organize a skit competition among senior classes in a free period and give award to best performers
  29. Plant trees in free soil-space of the school
  30. Paste posters on notice board of different sections of school telling students what to do on this day
  31. In factory: If you are factory owner collect your staff and let them know why environmental care is must during manufacturing process
  32. Give green worker award to a staff member who keeps his working place tidy and helps maintain factory environment clean
  33. Get progress report from your Health and Environment Department and publicize it through media to show how environment friendly you are. It will motivate others to follow you
  34. In community: Make cleanliness of the area on self-help basis
  35. If there is garden in your area water its plants and clean rubbish from its grass
  36. If you can afford on contribution basis distribute environmental awareness handbills among community members
  37. Paste a poster at any eye-catching spot telling people about significance of this day
  38. Request the Church, Mosque and other religious services to incorporate green message in their sermons on coming congregation
  39. On social media: Write on your friends’ wall on Facebook about this day
  40. Make a poster and paste it on your timeline
  41. Develop ten small green slogans and share them on Twitter
  42. Take one picture of clean environment and one of polluted environment of your area and paste them on Pinterest with message telling the difference
  43. Whatever you read on internet about this day share it on all your social media account
  44. Search green groups on social media and share with them your concerns on environmental degradation
  45. Make a green promise and publicize it on social media
  46. Do an online survey to make people think about environmental pollution
  47. Organize a competition on social media to raise awareness about clean environment
  48. Do LIKE on others shares about this day to motivate many others to do more for environment
  49. Visit the website of World Environment Day and update yourself more
  50. Like the Page on Facebook of Pollution Pollution to know further about pollution and environment

So these are the top 50 green ideas to celebrate World Environment Day 2013. How did you find them please share your thoughts about them in comments section given below. 

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