Green salute to Turks who were injured for saving a park

Turks came out on roads for a green cause
First time in the environmental history of the world thousands of Turks resisted against the demolition of a park and cutting of six hundred trees inside of it in Istanbul’s commercial hub. Nearly one thousand liberal and green lover Turks received multiple injuries and some of them are maim seriously that is a valiant show of resistance for a green cause. It is a sign of hope that now people are coming out on roads to save leftover greenery in commercial hubs that is the last shield for them from rising level of air pollution.

Frenzy for development

It is actually a tug of war between development and sustainable development. Most of the least developed nations just in frenzy of getting more and more developed don’t take care of
environment and make development projects without any green considerations. The present rulers of Turkey are also known as proponents of progress and earned worldwide acclaimed but most of their projects are erratic. Experts expressed fear that coming generations of Turks have to pay the cost of the unbridled progress in urban areas of Turkey.

Progress on old lines

There are reports that the conservative rulers of Turkey are not following the advanced parameters of development and just try to make their country as developed as that of its European neighbors just to show the world that conservatives are also progressive by nature. But actually they are just competing with the developed nations to retain the pride of having a rich past with enviable culture and traditions. Actually they forgot the fact that when their forefather stood against Great Britain some seventy years ago that time parameters of progress were quite different. At that time there was no industrialization like it is today and there was no pollution problem that much grave as it is now. Similarly that era had no advancement in information technology as we have now.

Camouflage of green facts

There is another group that is trying to portray this confrontation between green lovers and blind developers as the tussle between Islamist and liberal forces. No doubt there is much hue and cry over lack of foresight in present conservative leaders with regard to development but right now Turks stood against just for a green cause. It is reported that the six hundred trees that were to be cut under the park demolition plan are actually last chunk of green in commercial area of Istanbul. Earlier a huge number of trees and greenery was wiped out to erect buildings and commercial centers. Probably Turks engineers don’t have such expertise of architecture that erect the buildings without hurting the environment or fully compensate it after completion of the development projects. So the lack of expertise of Turks developmental economists with respect to sustainable development is the main cause of current chaos in Istanbul and its nearby cities where same type of resistance moved up its head when people came on road to record their protest against the demolition plan of the park.


According to latest reports police retreated from the protest spot in Istanbul and proponents of park are joyous over their victory. But it is not confirm either government has shelved its plan to demolish the park or it just gave an impression of shelving the plan to pacify the ire of public. Whatever is the true story but this is a fact that all the countries of developed Asia and developing Europe must have to follow the rule of sustainable development to make progress without hurting the environment. Otherwise such protest may raise their head again by ransacking public and private property apart from causing several injuries in both sides of the divide. 

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