Heinous collusion of a troika to protect the polluters in poor countries

Rulers of poor countries are brutally smart.

Also, they are not naive about the harsh realities of this world.

They very well know how to protect their environment but they don’t want to do this.

They can’t afford to swallow the fury of giant industrialists, big corporations, rogue mafias of pollution and above all the vested interests that just want to earn more and more by spending peanuts.

Big polluters are not huge in number but they are so powerful that no government in any poor country can even talk against them.

They can topple the government with their powerful kicks and kickbacks.

They just want the cosmetic type of environmental activities –like fairy tales - which should keep going in poor countries to dupe all; you, me and the rest of the enlightened lot of this world.

Informal but most deadly coalition

They all are not in one forum, in a club or in a league to jointly pollute the environment of poor countries. They are dispersed in all poor countries of Asia, Africa and other poor regions of the world. Their vested interests are the same that’s why there is nothing uncommon in them. They adopt the same tactics to crush every attempt that means to protect the environment.

pollution in poor countries
They know that if a green effort is made, it will be a direct hit on their financial, political and social interests. They have to install a treatment plant in their factory and pay the extra cost.

How to poetically raise environmental awareness and knock down pollution?

Sometimes a piece of poetry becomes more effective than a piece of prose to communicate a message.

Several stanzas have still proverbial value though they were created centuries ago. Still, people quote the poetry of Shakespeare and many even don’t know the name of the poet of the verses to who they are referring.

This is a strength of poetic words. You can speak more with lesser words. So this medium of literature can also be used to raise environmental awareness.

How do we enjoy poetry?

We read poetry in books, magazines, listen to it on TV, Radio, video channels, and enjoy it. We just need the poems according to our literary tastes. If we believe in love and just love we like
environmental awareness with poetry
romantic poetry. If we have revolutionary ideas we want poems that advocate for change, justice, and equality among human beings. If we firmly believe in the relationship we give huge applause to verses that focus on different types of relations.

Top 10 financial effects of pollution that make you poor

how pollution impacts money
Pollution cost to the whole world is in trillions. The exact cost is not known. Because of no data management. So we refer guestimates only.

We can imagine how much it can be on the basis of simply cost of pollution to India which is nearly $80 billion per year. For Pakistan, it is $60 per year. But its standstill because of no updating to it.

Pollution is hitting everywhere in every sector of the economy. So each sector is paying its price. But each sector is also causing it in one way or the other.

The major financial effects of pollution of various types are ten that are as below.

Why PARK(ing) Day is not observed as its name implies?

About PARK(ing) Day
PARK(ing) Day is celebrated in most parts of the USA and Europe on the third Friday of September every year. It is being observed since 2005.

But it does not mean for observing this day you need to park your vehicles properly. It does mean something else. First, let's know something more about it. 


It was first celebrated in 2005 by a San Francisco art and design company. After that, people from nearby cities and towns also followed this green practice and now it is getting popular all across the USA and Europe.


The objective to celebrate this the day is to create temporary green and recreational space in the heart of the city by hiring or acquiring a parking area for one day.

5 mind-blowing magical ways to raise environmental awareness

magic shows to raise environmental awareness
The magic show is one of a few events where people do not lose their interest.

They keep sitting holding their breath to see what is going to happen next. The magicians flabbergast the audience with enthralling magical tips and tricks.

They disappear a huge vehicle in front of thousands of people and sometimes bring out a beautiful girl from an empty box.

They entertain people and get a huge round of applause. In this whole activity, the response level of the public remains high. They clap over every act of magic and loudly praise magicians.

So in the whole activity if a magician simply gives a small message on the environment it will go to its target – the mind of the audience – directly because of everyone in the hall watch so attentively.

So to exploit the option of magic show here are the top 5 ways to raise environmental awareness of general public through magic shows.

Impressive slogan

While recovering any disappeared thing either it is a pigeon, a girl, a ball, a handkerchief or a coin; magician can put a small card with it containing an impressive environmental slogan. As soon as the audience will watch the

5 darkening reasons why you are still shy of solar energy

why we don't use solar panel
Solar energy is a cheap source of power. You need to pay a huge amount to install its system. But it is a one-time payment buy solar panels. They take energy from the sun and store it for your usage.

After that you can generate electricity through the sun forever without any cost to meet your energy needs.

After covering the initial cost of your solar panel your rate of return remains 100 percent till the end of its service life.

Reasons for the rise in demand for solar energy

People are interested in the solar energy source of power for the following reasons.
  • The cost of conventional energy is higher in their area and they want to save money by shifting to solar power
  • There is a crisis or shortage of conventional energy in their area and they want to try solar energy to avoid frequent power outages

What is greenwashing and how to be aware of it while shopping?

how to avoid greenwashing companies

It might be a new term for you but unfortunately, the meaning of this word is being exercised since people started talking loudly about environmental care. It’s a combination of two words; green plus whitewash. It means duping people for the sake of portraying oneself as green. It is a practice followed by most of those companies that are not environmentally friendly. They don’t meet environmental standards in their operations but trickily follow them as if they are following green laws. They follow in a way that they don’t have to lose any benefit for the sake of the environment and they just pretend to be following all their environmental standards. They show themselves as green companies the most caring and environmentally responsible entity. In short, they portray themselves as environmentally friendly in all their workings but they are not green or environmentally friendly.

Singing competition on environment; entertain and make aware

how to organize a singing competition on environment
Singing competition on environment is an impressive way to raise environmental awareness of communities. It is an effective tool to make aware younger generation on green care. Usually teens take awareness activities of routine type as boring and avoid participating in them. But a lively and colorful competition with green songs among various amateur singers creates their interest for a green cause. Being an NGO, green community group, government department, social forum, private company or an environmentally responsible group of people you need to arrange it in an organized way to achieve your objectives of raising green awareness of your target audience.

World Ozone Day 2013; let’s play our role to stop ozone depletion

how to observe world ozone day
World Ozone Day 2013 is being observed on 16th September to invite the attention of global fraternity towards fast depleting ozone layer. It was decided by United Nations Environment Program in 1994 to observe this day to sensitise the world community on significance of this issue. Since then it is being observed every year  on 16th September and different type of awareness activities are organised by governmental, non-governmental, non-profit, corporate and private organisations to mark this day. The theme of World Ozone Day 2013 is “A healthy atmosphere, the Future We Want”.

What is ozone layer?

Ozone is a layer in stratosphere (the middle level of Earth) that protect us from ultraviolet rays that otherwise directly fall on us causing skin cancer and damaging

How to hold a painting competition on a green theme?

how to organize a painting competition on green topic
Pictures speak louder than words. This is an age of images and infographics. You can communicate pictorially better than you do verbally. So to increase environmental awareness, any type of pictorial message can bring the results more effectively. That is why painting competition is treated one of the best sources to raise environmental awareness. As an NGO, community group, educational institution, professional club or a government department, you can arrange it in a school, college, university or at city or state level to invite amateur or professional painters to reflect their thoughts about a green issue through their paintings.

A clear topic

The topic of the painting competition should be clear enough to help painters make a painting without any ambiguity. Simultaneously those who watch the painting need not get any briefing over it and understand by

How to stay safe from harms of pollution for a longer life?

tips to be safe from harms of pollution
All types of pollution are equally harmful. Most of them cause several serious and lethal diseases. Millions of people die all over the world because of one form of pollution or the other. Their count is rising. Obviously, it has to because pollution level is also on upward track owing to the absence of its extensive control. 
The major part of the pollution could be controlled at the regulatory level with the enforcement of green laws and the promotion of an eco-friendly way of living. But at the government level efforts are not bringing desired results because of weaker enforcement mechanisms of green laws or meddling of polluters at the decision-making level. This dismal state of affairs is going on in almost all countries of the world.

Higher the pollution, shorter the life

Did you ever notice that now people die quite earlier than their forefathers? Now people hardly survive above the age of 60. In older times surviving till the age of 80 was quite common. By and by the limit of average