Why PARK(ing) Day is not observed as its name implies?

About PARK(ing) Day
PARK(ing) Day is celebrated in most parts of the USA and Europe on the third Friday of September every year. It is being observed since 2005.

But it does not mean for observing this day you need to park your vehicles properly. It does mean something else. First, let's know something more about it. 


It was first celebrated in 2005 by a San Francisco art and design company. After that, people from nearby cities and towns also followed this green practice and now it is getting popular all across the USA and Europe.


The objective to celebrate this the day is to create temporary green and recreational space in the heart of the city by hiring or acquiring a parking area for one day.

It aims to highlight the significance of a park in mid-city and involve people to fulfill this need with a temporary set up for one day. Secondly, it inculcates communities with little effort we can change a messy place into a green, recreational and healthy place.

How to celebrate PARK (ing) Day?

It is actually celebrated with art and design activities. First of all, a parking space in mid of the city is selected. After that permission is sought from the management of that space to use it for one day to observe PARK(ing) Day.

Then artists and designers entirely change the parking lot into a recreational place with a lot of designs on the floor of the space and putting various buntings, sheds, seats and other recreational stuff around it.

Communities are invited to come to the place and enjoy celebrating this day to make the world feel the importance of recreational space in the center of the city. Usually, parks and other recreational spots are situated quite away from the cities.

What is prohibited?

To continue its celebrations purely non-commercial basis there is a strict restriction to do any type of business especially of eateries while enjoying the make-shift park.

Secondly, all such activities are also strictly prohibited that generate garbage like drinking juices in disposable bottles and packs.

Who should not observe it?

If your country laws forbid to occupy a parking space or occupying it may create mess or traffic jams then you should not observe it.

It is wise to plan this event in a parking spot that is so big. In this way, you can use half of the space while letting the half-space to serve as a parking lot for vehicles. Convenience and non-commercialism are the two basic conditions you must follow while observing this day.

PARK(ing) Day in other parts of the world

It has yet to arrive here in Asia and Africa but I wrote this post just to invite the attention of the readers of this region to come up and start observing all days of environmental significance that can bring a green change.

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