Singing competition on environment; entertain and make aware

how to organize a singing competition on environment
Singing competition on environment is an impressive way to raise environmental awareness of communities. It is an effective tool to make aware younger generation on green care. Usually teens take awareness activities of routine type as boring and avoid participating in them. But a lively and colorful competition with green songs among various amateur singers creates their interest for a green cause. Being an NGO, green community group, government department, social forum, private company or an environmentally responsible group of people you need to arrange it in an organized way to achieve your objectives of raising green awareness of your target audience.

Theme of singing competition on environment

First of all there is need to select a theme of such competition. Its theme should not be environment in general. If it is done so it will be so broad and one singer would be singing on climate change, other one on ozone layer depletion and third one on garbage pollution. In this way it will be so difficult to judge and rank their performances. You need to hold competition on narrow them. So there should be a punch line for such competition and all singers should write and sing their song on it. It may be “this land is my land”, “let’s make this world greener”, “keep planting trees” or “I love my oceans” etc.

Category of singers

All singers should be from same category to develop evenness in the competition. They may be amateur singers, promising young professional singers, students of a singing institute or child singers etc. But they must be from same category. In this way their ranking would be quite just and fair.

Writing, composing and singing

There are two types of singing competition. In one type singer has to write the song, compose it and sing it. In second category singer has to hire a writer and a composer and just to sing the song after it is written and composed. But the main participant of the competition will remain singer in both the cases. Yes credit of song writing and composing can be announced while announcing the name of winning singers.

Branding of singing competition on environment

If a singing competition on environment is organized on a massive level many brands offer their sponsorship to organize this event. This is a good opportunity and organizers should accept it. Sponsors simply tag their brand name with the competition. No one should have any objection over it because its ultimate objective can still be achieved that is simply to raise environmental awareness.


Venue of this type of event should be a huge hall where facilities of lighting, sound system and stage are readily available. A theatre or auditorium in your city can be the best venue for this purpose.

How to invite singers?

You can publish an advertisement in your local newspapers with criteria to participate in the competition. In your criteria you should clearly mention the category, the city or region of singers to avoid influx from other regions etc. Or you can invite singers to participate in it through a general letter by sending it to all music clubs and singing institutions of your area.

Publicity and media coverage

Its publicity is to be made before the event to invite public to attend and watch the singing competition on environment. After the event its massive coverage should be done in print and particularly in electronic media to let maximum number of people know about it. You can also share its video clips on social media to publicize it through every medium and motivate others to hold same type of activities. In this way the message of environment could be amplified to a broader level of audience. 

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