How to hold a painting competition on a green theme?

how to organize a painting competition on green topic
Pictures speak louder than words. This is an age of images and infographics. You can communicate pictorially better than you do verbally. So to increase environmental awareness, any type of pictorial message can bring the results more effectively. That is why painting competition is treated one of the best sources to raise environmental awareness. As an NGO, community group, educational institution, professional club or a government department, you can arrange it in a school, college, university or at city or state level to invite amateur or professional painters to reflect their thoughts about a green issue through their paintings.

A clear topic

The topic of the painting competition should be clear enough to help painters make a painting without any ambiguity. Simultaneously those who watch the painting need not get any briefing over it and understand by
themselves what the painting means to say about the significance of environmental care. If you keep a vague topic like environmental lethargy or very idealistic topic like action for climate change it will be so broad enough to be expressed clearly. Therefore, each painting in your painting competition should not give an impression of abstract art. Its basic purpose should be to make people clear about the importance of clean environment.

Medium of paintings

There are basically three broad mediums of painting. One is oil color, second one is water color and third one is pencil sketch. You need to hold a painting competition on a green theme in uniform format because two paintings with different mediums cannot be compared or contrasted rightfully.

Uniform competitors

All the participants of the competition should be of same level. Either they should all be amateur or professional. If you want to invite both then make two categories of the competition. Secondly all the participants must be clearly briefed what type of painting you want from them. You can communicate to them through email or through a letter depending upon the advancement of the area you belong to.

How to invite painters?

In every city there are associations of painters. Secondly painting schools have list of the professional and amateur painters. You just need to get that list and contact them to invite them participate in your painting competition on a green theme. If you want to invite simply good art students of schools and colleges you simply need to send invitation letters to heads of those institutions seeking nominations for the participants.

How much paintings?

It depends upon the area where you want to display these paintings. Secondly it largely depends upon the number of painters who want to participate in the competition. Usually 25 to 50 paintings make a competition quite impressive and all people note it as a good art event for a green cause.

Who to rank the paintings?

For this purpose you need to make a judges committee of a few veteran painters of your area and also include an environmentalist in it to assist the painter judges to select the best paintings (from environmental point of view) for awards.


Usually venue of painting competition should be a famous art gallery of your city or any auditorium of art and craft institute of your area. The most relevant audience can obviously come to such places easily because of their earlier familiarity with it.


The objective of the publicity of a painting competition on a green theme should not be just to make its happening known to all. But its main objective should be to communicate its message to all. Usually newspapers amply cover such events at their art pages. Besides, art magazines allocate a few pages to broadly cover such events. Simultaneously you can share the paintings’ images on social media more particularly on Pinterest that is widely famous as image sharing social media. Apart from this you can also get its coverage on electronic media to publicize your event broadly.

Paintings catalogue

After the event you can also print a catalogues comprising of best paintings of the competition to further communicate the environmental message of each painting to wider range of people. You can also keep its record for any reference while highlighting your activities. 

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