How to stay safe from harms of pollution for a longer life?

tips to be safe from harms of pollution
All types of pollution are equally harmful. Most of them cause several serious and lethal diseases. Millions of people die all over the world because of one form of pollution or the other. Their count is rising. Obviously, it has to because pollution level is also on upward track owing to the absence of its extensive control. 
The major part of the pollution could be controlled at the regulatory level with the enforcement of green laws and the promotion of an eco-friendly way of living. But at the government level efforts are not bringing desired results because of weaker enforcement mechanisms of green laws or meddling of polluters at the decision-making level. This dismal state of affairs is going on in almost all countries of the world.

Higher the pollution, shorter the life

Did you ever notice that now people die quite earlier than their forefathers? Now people hardly survive above the age of 60. In older times surviving till the age of 80 was quite common. By and by the limit of average
surviving age dropped to 60. It is feared it will go down further in the future. No doubt pollution is not the only reason for lesser surviving age but it is obviously the main reason. Several studies have confirmed this thought that because of the rising level of pollution the limit of life expectancy is lowering down gradually and it will go down further in days to come. The main step to increase life expectancy is to control pollution and simultaneously take individual and collective steps to be safe from its harm.

What to do then?

If pollution control efforts at the regulatory level are not bringing success then what an individual should do to stay safe from the harms of pollution?  For this purpose, the only way is to take efforts at the individual level and take every precautionary measure to be safe from the effects of pollution. 
We should play our role in the control of pollution at the individual level because in this way we will face less pollution and its harms. But instantly we must take all steps that can make us safe from the harms of pollution.

No lengthy package

Instead of following a lengthy list of dos and dons, it is better to take one major precautionary measure to be safe from the harms of pollution of every main type.
  • To be safe from the negative effects of water pollution we must avoid consuming polluted water as much as we can. For this purpose, we must boil water before drinking it or make it purified with any high-quality water purifier or with the use of any anti-pollutant medicine.
  • To avoid the harms of air pollution whenever we come out from home we must check the air quality with the help of the media or the internet and then use a breathing mask if there is a high amount of pollution in the air on that day.
  • To be safe from garbage pollution first we never let the garbage litter and put it into designated places and remain active contact with garbage collection service or civic agency to ask them to take the garbage regularly without any fail.

Apart from the above three major steps, there are many other small steps to be safe from the harms of pollution. But the above three steps play a major role to keep us safe from the main negative effects of pollution. The only need is to fully follow these three tips and make our life longer.

Detailed tips

For a detailed package on how to be safe from harms of pollution for a longer life please subscribe my ebook that is coming soon. First 500 registrants will get this ebook “How to stay safe from harms of pollution for a longer life” of $28, free. So don’t wait and click here to submit your email to get it in your inbox very soon. 


  1. Hey i really appreciate your effort to aware people about pollution and how to protect themselves from its bad effects.

    this seem to be very simple trick but for your life it can be very valuable.


  2. Hey Sunidhi; thanks for praise; keep visiting; green peace and blessings on you
