How to organize a speech competition on a green topic?

how to hold speech contest on environment
In speech competition number of speakers deliver speech on a topic and top of them receive awards by the jury. Mostly such competitions are organized in educational institutions. Their primary objective is to improve the speaking skills of students to make them good speaker when they enter in practical life. Simultaneously another objective is to know about topic of the competition in detail as every speaker cover it with a different aspect. In this way audience of the event get to know about the topic from every aspect in detail.

Speech competition on a green topic

If speech competition on a green topic is organized it not only enhances the skills of participants to speak on an environmental topic but it also lets the audience know all about that topic. In this way
environmental awareness of audience can easily be enhanced. Not only of audience but general public can also be made aware on that environmental topic if the competition is widely covered by print and electronic media.

Select the topic

First of all there is need to select the topic for the speech competition. It should be directly related to the area where competition is to be organized. Secondly topic should be phrased in a way that it may arouse action for a green cause. Topic must have a practical aspect instead of theoretical one to make people act for the environmental care of their area. For example “Importance of self-help for solution of garbage pollution” is the practical topic while “main causes of environmental degradation” is the theoretical topic.

Pick the category of competitors

All the competitors of speech competition on a green topic should be of same standard and age group. They should be senior students of one school or several schools of the area if you want to organize it at a broader school. After selecting the category of competitors you need to invite the competitors through their school management to participate in the event.

Arrange venue

For speech competition on a green topic venue is not a big task. You can arrange it in a school where there is big auditorium and people can come to this place without much effort. Secondly it should be arranged on a working day to make participants conveniently attend it without sacrificing their off-day.

Make judges

To rank the top speakers you need to make a panel of judges to decide their ranks. Usually senior speakers are made judges to pick the best speakers. They may be people who had been good speakers in their student life or educationists and intellectuals of your area.

Invite audience

People from all walks of life of your area should be invited in speech competition on a green topic to raise environmental awareness across the board. Invitation cards can be mailed to them and if you live in an advance area you can invited them through social media or by just publishing news about the event in your local newspaper. Usually teachers and parents of the students especially of participating students happily attend such events to see their skills.

Coverage of event

Never forget to invite print and electronic media of the area to cover the event and publicize it at broader level to raise environmental awareness of more and more people. You should also share photos of the event on social media to promote the green cause.

Keep record

Either you are an NGO, educational institution or government department or a community group you must keep entire record of the speech competition on a green issue including its photographs and press coverage for sending it to all the people directly or indirectly responsible for the environmental care of your area.

On-spot things to do

On-spot of the event you need to take care of these things.
  • Sound system with its proper functioning
  • Backdrop on stage to let people know the nature of event and topic of speech competition
  • Sitting arrangements
  • Rostrum on stage to make speakers deliver speech
  • Sitting arrangement for the panel of judges
  • Purchase of awards to distribute among top speakers
  • Arrangement of press gallery separate from the audience
  • Reception desk to guide the people to get into the venue

In this way you can raise environmental awareness by organizing a speech competition on a green issue with not so big expenses but its results could be so huge if you do it effectively. 

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