How to control light pollution and save money?

tips to control light pollution
Light pollution means excessive light in your surrounding environment. It may be because of our frenzy of over illuminating your environment or advertisers’ enthusiasm to make their products’ signboards as much glaring as possible. In any of the ways excessive light is not only harmful for our eyesight but also it equally creates global warming and also a source of energy wastage. Usually we don’t take light pollution seriously and take it as source of joy when we see lot of lights are being illuminated in a party and our eyes are getting affected by their glaring effects. Who has ever felt the harmful effects of flood lights in soccer ground that totally disturb the ideal balance of lights in the environment and cause global warming as well?

Types of light pollution

There are five main types of light pollution which we observe around us but never take them seriously.

Light trespass

Did we ever notice lights from the neighborhood trespassing in our bed room through window? What we do as a precautionary measures. We just close the window to avoid it. In this way we close a source of fresh air and let the suffocation increase in our bed room or living room. It may also boost indoor pollution if there is any type of emissions in our home either from kitchen or from heater. People living in densely populated area easily feel the pains of light trespass when every moving vehicle throw light over the entrance of their home or on any window that opens to the roadside.

Over illumination

In frenzy of joy and pleasure we enlighten the buildings with more than the required amount of lights. We arrange special lights on religious and national days. We just want to let others know how proud we are on any occasion of national or religious significance. We rarely know that religion enlightens our hearts and we can reflect that light through our good deeds. Those who don’t illuminate their homes have to suffer from excessive lights from over-illuminated buildings around them.


On a highway if a vehicle has more than two head lights with sharp rays what we feel. We fail to see around us for a while that is called glaring which directly affect our vision. Most of the moving lights have glaring effects. Glaring usually occurs when the quality of bulb is not up to the mark and totally disturbs the light emissions and directly affects the eyesight of the people around it.

Light clutter

This is another serious type of light pollution. It is caused by excessive grouping of lights where we fail to see our target and it may cause accidents if it happens on busy roads. Its effects are more than just weakening of eyesight and may bring on tragic accidents.

Sky glow

If huge lights change the color of the sky and totally disturb the environment it is called sky glow. This we usually watch in commercial hubs in the night where huge buildings emit high rays of lights and totally change the color of the sky.

What are the effects of light pollution?

Most important effects of light pollution are following.

Global warming

It causes global warming not only by creating heat during burning but also it takes excessive energy consumption which means increased burning of fossil fuel that is also a main reason of climate change.

Energy wastage

The second effect of light pollution is energy wastage because when we over illuminate so many lights and more than the required amount we consume more energy and put a load on its demand. Eventually a gap is created between demand and supply and those who use energy in a balance way have to suffer because of frequent power outages on the back of energy shortfall.

Health effects

Apart from weakening our eyesight the light pollution also affects our nerves and causes insomnia. Moreover increased headache incidences, worker fatigue, medically defined stress, decrease in sexual function and increase in anxiety are also main health effects of light pollution.

Effects on ecosystem

Excessive lights equally harm our ecosystem and affect the flora and fauna, animals, plants and other living beings. The heat created by it totally disturbs the natural environment and bring on several disruptions in our ecosystem.

How to control light pollution?


The best way to control light pollution is reduced consumption of energy. Before illuminating buildings on festive occasions or using high power bulbs for any type of purpose we first must make a ceiling of energy consumption to put a red line and declare we have to make all arrangements within that amount of energy.

High quality fixtures

We must use fixtures for bulbs and other illuminating items of high quality so that light does not distract from its original object and does not disturbs others by trespassing into the others properties.

Use of advance lighting sources

After the introduction of LEDs now there is no need to used old type of high voltage bulbs and we should try to use every lightening object of LED category. In this way we can get the required amount of light by consuming less energy and creating less heat as well.

Most important

By controlling light pollution either through reduced lighting or through using LED sources of lights we consume less energy and reduce our energy bill. In this way we cut our energy bill and save a sizeable amount of money. 

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