How to poetically raise environmental awareness and knock down pollution?

Sometimes a piece of poetry becomes more effective than a piece of prose to communicate a message.

Several stanzas have still proverbial value though they were created centuries ago. Still, people quote the poetry of Shakespeare and many even don’t know the name of the poet of the verses to who they are referring.

This is a strength of poetic words. You can speak more with lesser words. So this medium of literature can also be used to raise environmental awareness.

How do we enjoy poetry?

We read poetry in books, magazines, listen to it on TV, Radio, video channels, and enjoy it. We just need the poems according to our literary tastes. If we believe in love and just love we like
environmental awareness with poetry
romantic poetry. If we have revolutionary ideas we want poems that advocate for change, justice, and equality among human beings. If we firmly believe in the relationship we give huge applause to verses that focus on different types of relations.

Live poetry

If there is a great poem we enjoy reading it, listening to it, and watching it with its dramatic display. If the one who wrote a great poet himself recites it before the audience it receives thunderous applause. It seems the poetry itself is talking with you as if it is getting inside your heart, mind, and feelings.

The poet had gone through the pangs of creation while writing a poem and when he recites it before the audience his facial expressions, his voice quality, and his body language simultaneously recite it and make us enjoy it. It means live poetry recital is more effective to raise environmental awareness.

How to organize a live poetry recital?

The most important part of the live poetry recital is poets who recite their poetry. They are not common guys who you can easily bring to your event. They are very moody because of being creative.

Secondly, most of them avoid being in the crowd and love to stay away from herds. Yes, for a noble cause they mostly come happily. You just need to convince them that they are not invited to a stereotyped event but the one that has a noble cause of raising environmental awareness.

How to contact poets?

In every big city, there is a literary society that has contact details of all the poets of the city and its surrounding small towns.

If you can afford it, you can also invite poets of national stature by offering them a return ticket to your city and their stay. But all who you invite should genuinely be well-known poets of your area.

The theme of live poetry recital

Poets think freely and hate any barrier to their thinking. But you need to inform them quite earlier the theme of the poetry recital to make them write poems on environmental awareness.

In this way, they have ample time to think, perceive, visualize, and feel the environment and its related issues around them. After that, they can write nice green poems to recite in live poetry recital to raise environmental awareness of the general public.

Other details

To organize a live poetry recital you need to book a hall of any literary center, educational institution, or library in your area. You should publicize the holding of the event to all people in your area so that poetry lovers can attend it and learn about the environment.

You can also publicize it on media especially on your social media to bring the maximum number of people to attend it. You should also send invitation cards to people in your circle to make them attend this memorable green event in your area.

Read more articles on how to raise environmental awareness with different tools here

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