Top 5 reasons you must not become environmentalist in a poor country

why you should not become an environmentalist in a poor country
Every profession has its own worth. Medicine, engineering, information technology, business management, blogging, internet marketing and all others professions have various pluses and minuses. But practitioner of nothing of them has to face a ridiculous situation like the one in the field of environmental management has to face in practical life. Environmental management though apparently sounds like one of the above lucrative professions but it is quite different in a poor country when one wants to implement his knowledge to earn money. Therefore, it is widely said that if you really want to grow professionally you must not become an environmentalists in a poor country. 
Here are top 5 reasons you must not become an environmentalist in a poor country.

How to organize a conference to resolve an environmental issue?

resolve an environmental issue by holding a conference
Many countries and societies face an environmental issue that needs to be resolved with the agreement of all people directly or indirectly related to it. An environmental issue arises when there is a difference of opinion on method to solve an environmental problem or to pick a solution to address any green problem. In both the cases two or more than two groups in a government, civil society, country or world has different points of view to resolve that issue. For this purpose a conference is organized to pick the best solution or method to solve a problem related to environment.

Definition of conference

The practical definition of conference is: a congregation of people from related fields or different

Future of every green blog is lush green

how is the scope of green blogging
If you google top profitable niche you will never find “Green” as one of them. Why? Because those, who write such articles, have nothing to do with going green. They simply follow the approach of “get rich quick” and mention those topics that promise to make you rich immediately. Actually they don’t have basic concepts of green sector that is not limited to pollution, climate change or green care. It is a huge industry and expanding day by day.

Green sector on the rise

Right now green industry is not so huge but the way things are moving in politics and economics it is confirm that it will grow astronomically in future. If environmental aspect is not addressed in industrial process all our resources will wipe out. So every country have no choice but to become stricter to follow green laws and every industry has

Top 100 slogans on environment for all occasions

what are top 100 slogans on environment
To manage your green campaign successfully you hold banners and placards in rallies against pollution and favoring environmental protection. For this you need slogans on environment to display them in your green congregations. So here are top 100 slogans on environment to serve your needs of environmental awareness.


1 Let’s us save our Earth
4 Save Earth; Save Environment
5 Make your every day Earth Day
6 Let’s save our mother Earth
7 It’s time to act; save the planet Earth
8 Unite to make planet Earth pollution-free
9 Save Earth from Global Warming
10 Let’s work together for a safe Earth
11 Give Earth a chance to keep it safe from pollution
12 Before it’s too late just protect Earth from today

Top 20 real causes of pollution which no one shared with you before

what are real causes of pollution
Usually several factors are blamed as main causes of pollution. They are; smoke emissions from factories and vehicles, effluent from manufacturing units and waste from houses, offices and industries. But these are the apparent causes which directly affect our environment. Actually there are several real causes of pollution which force industries to produce more and don’t take care of environment, vehicles to run without caring environment and people to just consume and use the things without considering rising pollution load on land.
Here are the 20 real causes of pollution which on one refers and mistakenly calls them bookish reasons that have no direct relationship with rising level of pollution all across the globe.

6 tips to observe World Ocean Day

how to observe world ocean day 2013
Today on 8th June it is World Ocean Day. It was recognized by United Nations in 2008 and since then it is being observed all over the world to make pledge for the care and protection of our oceans. If an ocean touches the piece of land it’s that part is called sea. The safety and conservation of oceans is equally important like that of our land. More than half of the biodiversity (different species) pertains to oceans. Because of the rising use of machine and growth of consumption culture oceans are being polluted and it is an alarming situation for us, the human beings. Our transportation of goods and services, our half of the variety of food in shape of sea food and entire balance of the ecosystem of the world depends upon oceans. If they are polluted its affect will be visible on our land, our health and our well-being.

How to avoid food wastage in parties?

tips to avoid food waste in parties
This year United Nations Environment Program set the theme of World Environment Day 2013 as THINK EAT SAVE to convince people waste less food and save the resource depletion. If half of the food that is wasted all over the world per year is saved it may be enough to feed any of the starved countries of the world. Moreover half of the people who have to go to their bed hungry will be able to have their meal. Presently out of seven people one person goes to bed hungry according to confirm statistics of world hunger.
At home we can stop food from wasting through different ways because it ultimately benefits us. If we don’t waste food it will reduce our grocery bill. We will be able to invest that saved money to earn more. Ultimately we will have more money and higher standard of living. In this way we will be able to eat higher quality of food with more nutrition. Similarly while eating out we don’t waste food because we pay for it. If some food

Think Eat Save; 5 tips to avoid food wastage

tips to avoid food wastage
Today is World Environment Day. This year United Nations Environment Program has selected its theme as Think Eat Save that means to raise awareness against food wastage. According to UNEP nearly 1.6 billion ton food is wasted every year all over the world. Its end result is that out of 7 people, one person go to bed hungry because the food of his pie is lost somewhere by somebody else. If this food is not wasted half of the food shortage in this world could be reduced without any poverty alleviation plan.
The main question is why we waste the food. Its results are following;
  • We cook the food more than we need daily
  • We refrigerate but don’t use it later and throw it away after it gets stale
  • We refrigerate food but don’t bother to dole it out if we don’t need it any more

Green salute to Turks who were injured for saving a park

Turks came out on roads for a green cause
First time in the environmental history of the world thousands of Turks resisted against the demolition of a park and cutting of six hundred trees inside of it in Istanbul’s commercial hub. Nearly one thousand liberal and green lover Turks received multiple injuries and some of them are maim seriously that is a valiant show of resistance for a green cause. It is a sign of hope that now people are coming out on roads to save leftover greenery in commercial hubs that is the last shield for them from rising level of air pollution.

Frenzy for development

It is actually a tug of war between development and sustainable development. Most of the least developed nations just in frenzy of getting more and more developed don’t take care of

Top 50 green ideas to celebrate World Environment Day 2013

how to celebrate world environment day
World Environment Day is just four days ahead. It is observed on 5th June every year all over the world to make commitment for the cause of green environment. This year the theme of this day is “Think Eat Save” that reminds us importance of food security in this era of depletion of natural resources. At global and national levels lot of activities are organized to let people know about the significance of this day. However, most of these activities focus fanfare more and practical aspect is covered little lesser. That is why it is wrongly presumed that the purpose of observing this day is just to enjoy and make fun. To negate the misconception I am here giving you top 50 green ideas to celebrate World Environment Day 2013 without much ado and just by taking care of your surrounding environment by yourself.