6 tips to observe World Ocean Day

how to observe world ocean day 2013
Today on 8th June it is World Ocean Day. It was recognized by United Nations in 2008 and since then it is being observed all over the world to make pledge for the care and protection of our oceans. If an ocean touches the piece of land it’s that part is called sea. The safety and conservation of oceans is equally important like that of our land. More than half of the biodiversity (different species) pertains to oceans. Because of the rising use of machine and growth of consumption culture oceans are being polluted and it is an alarming situation for us, the human beings. Our transportation of goods and services, our half of the variety of food in shape of sea food and entire balance of the ecosystem of the world depends upon oceans. If they are polluted its affect will be visible on our land, our health and our well-being.

How oceans are polluted.

There are several sources of ocean pollution. Most important of them are;
  • Industrial effluent and waste that is released into the sea directly without being treated
  • Domestic sewerage and waste of poor nations that is also directly flowed into oceans through seas
  • Oil that spills from sailing ships
  • Littering of beaches that garbage ultimately goes into the ocean
  • Agriculture run off containing pesticide and fertilizer residue falls into oceans through rivers and seas
  • Vehicular emissions that first go up in the air with water vapors and then come back as rain with toxicity in it and it is called acid rain
  • Nonpoint source pollution including all dust particles, little items and other small things that fly into the air and fall into water directly moving into the oceans

How to control ocean pollution

  • Factories must abide by green laws and never release their effluent without treatment and never throw waste into the sea and dispose of it into the designated landfill sites.
  • Civic agencies make strict system to dispose of all civic waste into the landfills and treat the domestic sewerage for its reuse to combat the scarcity of water
  • Government should build drains to release agriculture run off into the barren lands and promote organic farming to reduce the toxicity in pesticide and fertilizer
  • Picnickers must be fined if they litter the beaches and civic agencies must install dustbins in huge numbers on every beach
  • Vehicle owners regularly tune up their vehicles to reduce emissions from them and ultimately less contribute in acid rain falls
  • Citizens and civic agencies maintain cleanliness with passion to reduce the littering in the air that may ultimately falls into the water bodies and then flows into the sea
  • Ship owners regularly maintain the vessels to avoid any leakage which causes oil spills into the oceans

6 tips to celebrate World Ocean Day 2013

  • Wear blue dress on that day to show your love with water of ocean that is also of blue color. Let others know why you wear blue dress and motivate others follow you
  • Go to seaside with your family and make collective pledge to protect our oceans as this year the theme of this day is: “Together we have the power to protect the ocean”. As a practical pledge, pick everything you find littering on the beach and throw it into the dustbin
  • Make pledge to never throw away anything other than into the dustbin
  • Take a picture of ocean or sea and upload it onto you social media account to let others know about the significance of this day
  • Make a phone call to any live TV or Radio show and tell them that this is World Ocean Day in this way their whole audience would know about it
  • It is Saturday which means an off day so go to your nearby religious service and tell the clergy or religious leader about the significance of this day. Every religion of the world puts much emphasis upon all the things which are created by God and asks humanity to preserve them and be thankful to God over them. You can exploit this point to make religious leader include the message of World Ocean Day in his latest sermon. 

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