Top 20 real causes of pollution which no one shared with you before

what are real causes of pollution
Usually several factors are blamed as main causes of pollution. They are; smoke emissions from factories and vehicles, effluent from manufacturing units and waste from houses, offices and industries. But these are the apparent causes which directly affect our environment. Actually there are several real causes of pollution which force industries to produce more and don’t take care of environment, vehicles to run without caring environment and people to just consume and use the things without considering rising pollution load on land.
Here are the 20 real causes of pollution which on one refers and mistakenly calls them bookish reasons that have no direct relationship with rising level of pollution all across the globe.

1. Greed

Greed has folded our eyes and we are running after money to meet our all desires. To fulfill our desires we buy things which ultimately factories have to produce. We keep changing things just to show others how affluent we are. We hate to reuse things fearing people may consider us poor. That is why before end of its service life we just discard a valuable thing because it goes out of fashion.

2. Consumerism

We seek pleasure in consuming things. If we are sad we want to eat something or drink to relax ourselves. We don’t believe in doing good to get satisfaction. We just serve ourselves to please ourselves. We don’t know real happiness lies in caring others. But we just consume and consume to make ourselves happy. As a result demand of goods rise abnormally and factories produce more and more. We consume maximum number of products and add lot of pollution on land.

3. Materialism

We find happiness in material things. If we have lot of money, a lavish house, a royal car and lot of electronic things we become happy and proud of them. We don’t have any regard for internal values. That is why we just buy and buy and then use energy to drive our car, to run electronic appliances and add load of pollution on earth.

4. Death of social values

Social values are least important for us. We give value to whatever we can see and touch. As a result now no one cares about values and just runs after money and material things. There is race amongst us to be richer. For this we don’t care about nature and just do whatever that can make us wealthy and able to be proud in this world.

5. Just technique

We need solution of everything in short term. That is why don’t go for any organic solution and buy those things that just solve our problems. Either they harm environment or not we damned care about this fact.

6. No ethics

There is no discrimination we have between good and bad. Whatever is glittering that is good for us. That is why everyone wants to shine with his way of living and don’t think about green living that actually does not impress others instantly.

7. Craze to compete

We don’t want to lag behind. We always want to be ahead of others in everything. In our way of living, in our amount of wealth, in our luxuries we want to defeat others. For this we just run after money and think money is the main solution of all our problems. For this we forget about everything and become a money generating machine.

8. Haste in attitude

We want to get rich quick. For this we forget everything and just confine ourselves in making money fast to fulfill our desires that are purely materialistic.

9. Moody nature

We just follow mood. If we want to go for a long drive we just follow our mood and don’t think this act may add lot of emissions in the air.

10. Appearance more

Whatever appears that is more important for us. If someone talks about up-cycling of dress people laugh at such person and call it a close-fisted person who doesn’t want to spend to maintain his appearance.

11. Fast life

Our fast way of living has snatched our mental peace. That is why care is missing from our nature. As a result we don’t care about anything and environment is among them.

12. Love for convenience

We don’t want to compromise over our convenience. To go some step away we want to use car and don’t want to bother our feet. In this way we add emissions in the air.

13. No patience

We think if we care our environment we will not see its results because it will take long time to bring results of our environmental care. That is why we just think about our today and don’t give much importance to going green that can make our tomorrow better.

14. Zero tolerance

We don’t have tolerance to listen to others. We develop an opinion about everything before a person speaks to us. That is why we don’t know benefits of going green and just spending a materialistic life with full of pleasure but no eternal happiness.

15. Hate to culture

We have forgotten our cultural values. We have made our whole life digital. We just sms to our dear ones on their happy moments and don’t bother to see each other. As a result we try to derive every kind of happiness from electronic gadgets. The end result is more pollution because of rise in their usage.

16. Limited love

Our love is limited now. We love people not humanity. We love our garden not the greenery of the world. That is why we just care about our own things and don’t own the whole environment to take care of it.

17. Reliance on machines

We wrong believe that solution of our every problem lies in machines. As a result we use machines for everything. We are forgetting about paper books and just have an ebook reader with thousands of books in it but we read in same pace as we used to do when we didn’t have this facility.

18. Anxiety in our mind

We are deprived of mental peace because of materialism around the world. Real love is nowhere. Every relationship now bases upon give-and-take. Deal is everywhere sincerity is nowhere. That is why anxiety stays permanently in our heart, in our mind. As a result we just try to seek pleasure from materialistic thing to soothe our anxiety. Its result is rise in pollution.

19. Pessimism

This is one of the importance real causes of pollution. We mostly believe that tomorrow would be a bad day for us. That is why we not only earn more to consume more but also want to save more. For this we put our whole life to save our tomorrow because we always expect it a bad one. As a result we become more materialistic and add more pollution in this world.

20. Selfishness

Me-first is our approach in life. We don’t care about others and lesser about our loved ones. If we are not ready to care about people how come we think about environment and nature? That is why we damned care about environment and just run after our desires and needs.

Any more cause?

So these are the top 20 real causes of pollution that no one shares with you before. Do you think I get emotional while describing them or I did justice with all of them? Please share your thoughts in comments section given below. 

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