How to control indoor pollution?

You must be thinking that I am going to introduce a gadget here that makes you control indoor pollution. No I am not doing this right know but maybe doing this next if you don’t let me know either my tips here work successfully or not. So first let’s look what types of pollution remain around us at home.
  • Cooking smoke emissions and general mess
  • Vehicular emissions in garage
  • Drinking water pollution at home
  • Noise pollution in living room

To control indoor pollution we have to see its sources. In this way we would be able to remove its source. Usually the main reasons of the cooking smoke emissions and general mess are:
  • Gas stove in the kitchen: To reduce the emissions from gas stove or to make its flame balanced never compromise over the quality of stove. Don’t select the one with several fireplaces. Instead of it, pick the one with one or two fireplaces but having high quality supply line. For this just go for a branded gas stove and buy it from its genuine dealer. 

3 premium ways to stay safe from harms of pollution

tips to stay safe from pollution hazards
Polluters are harming our environment. There are no two opinions about it. Pollution control agencies all over the world are taking action against them but they are still polluting the environment. They have huge vested interest. Cost factor is involved in their crime. If industries treat water and effluent before their final disposal they have to pay extra cost. Eventually their cost of production would rise. They have to pay their products at higher rates. Consequently their sales volume declines. Similarly if vehicle owners buy high quality fuel they have to pay extra bugs. In every case cost factor is the main thing that is increasing pollution in this world.
In view of this situation we - the victims of pollution - should do what. Should we keep mum over flagrant acts of polluting? Or we should raise voice against it. If we do so in that case too can we stay safe from the menace of pollution. In every country green laws and their implementation mechanism is not as swift as it comes into action soon after we raise voice against polluters. It means while demanding our governments to prosecute the enemies of environment we should also stay safe from harms of pollution.

Keep a mask in your handbag

Make it your habit to keep an Anti Air Pollution Mask in your bag all the time. Wherever you see there is lot of traffic congestion and you feel little suffocation while breathing waste no time and

Enjoy Earth Hour 2013

Enjoy Earth Hour
The aware green lot of the whole world is celebrating Earth Hour on 23 March, 2013 to reflect its commitment for the cause of energy conservation that eventually addresses the issues of climate change and global warming. Global environmental forums under the leadership of World Wide Fund of Nature have initiated this event in 2007 and since then participation is going up and up in it. Every year more and more cities and countries are joining this cause and raising their voice for a world free from every type of grey matter.

Main objective to observe Earth Hour

Everywhere all around the world this event is observed to promote the habit of energy conservation by addressing the demand side of the energy. It means people are asked to switch off their lights for one hour from 8:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m (local time) and show their pledge that they would be saving energy for the whole year with the same level of commitment. Moreover, the spirit of voluntarism is maintained while appealing the people to observe the Earth Hour. No force, no control over electric supply. It is an open invitation to join this cause for all who understand its significance.

Misleading objective of Earth Hour

Many countries having persistent energy shortfall are shrewdly exploiting this opportunity to shield their inefficiency in energy production. They instead of leaving it up to the energy consumers to save energy during one hour try to control the energy supply by issuing decree to all main energy

Water, 2 billion people are dying for it; but how long?

how to control water shortage
This was the slogan of World Environment Day of 2003 that means one decade ago two billion people were facing water shortage all across the world. Now after ten years that count must have risen up because of the two factors; 1) owing to rising population of the world and 2) due to expanding water scarcity all across the globe. Surely that number must have crossed the figure of 2 billion and now it is moving towards 3 billion.

Latest facts about water shortage

It is very surprising to know that world water leaders have coined this impressive slogan ten years ago to make people act for the conservation of water. Did they succeed in their attempt? Here are the latest facts about water scarcity that shows how much they have been succeeded in their efforts.
  • Owing to persistent water shortage nearly 3.5 million people all across the globe die and 99 percent of them are from developing world.
  • The shortage of clean drinking water kills the kids all over the world at a rate equal to the one that results in one jumbo jet crash after every four hours.
  • Every year 60 million people shift from villages to cities and towns all around the world but all of them have to settle in slums and informal settlements because of no sanitation and water supply facilities. It means there is an addition of 60 million people slum areas in human settlements every year.

Backward countries treat e-waste as solid waste

problem of e-waste
Western countries are dumping their e-waste in poor and backward countries of the East. Are they doing so in bias against them? Do they want to destroy them by converting them into the dumping ground of the electronic waste that is not only harmful for the environment but equally hits human life? What benefits they will get by doing so. Absolutely no any benefit. On the other hand they will earn the notoriety of environmentally harming the lands across the border.

Does price matter here?

Then why advanced countries of the west are throwing the e-waste in least developed countries of the Asia and Africa. This is the main question of the debate here. No one is forcing any of them to do so. Actually this is the poverty that is playing a catalyst role in this bad deal. Price matters in every deal. So does it here in this deal.

Cheap prices play key role

Actually poor countries buy the used electronic items of all types from the scrap sellers of the rich countries. We know all that most of the rich countries belong to the West and almost all poor countries hail from the East. Electronic scrap buyers of poor countries import used electronic items from West on cheap prices. They

Poor countries fail to manage environmental information

how to manage environmental data
If you don’t know about the exact information of a problem how do you solve it? This is the main issue of every less developed country of the world. They don’t have exact environmental data to solve the problems related to their environment. They neither have capacity to collect such data nor do they have ability to manage it. As a result environmental managers of such countries just talk on the basis of guesstimates. They make their every green plan on rough estimates. That is why most of their green plans fail to bring results. Eventually they groan that they are working so hard to solve the pollution problems but because of unknown reasons they are not in a position to solve them upfront. As a result their people suffer and pay the price of the inefficiency of their green demagogues in shape of their degrading health and their weakening physical environment.

What is environmental information?

Environmental information means all the data that reflect; how is the environment of a country. It usually covers:
  • Air quality of the country which means is its ambient air has or has not the required balance and ratio of the requisite gases and other matter.

Earth Hour should be observed voluntarily not under duress

celebrate Earth Hour willingly
Every year Earth Hour is celebrated on last Saturday of March all around the world voluntarily by switching off all the unnecessary lights to show the care for the planet Earth. It was first started in 2007 in Australian city of Sydney by World Wide Fund for Nature. Its main objective is to conserve energy and to contribute less in global warming - that is the main cause of the climate change. This is an issue that entirely changed the eco balance of the planet and put its survival in peril.

This year one week earlier

This year Earth Hour will be observed from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm (local time) on 23rd March to avoid conflict with Western Christianity Holy Saturday that falls on 30th March, 2013.   This event is celebrated all over the world by all the concerned forums and communities. All the nature loving people voluntarily switch off the lights and other electric appliances of their homes, offices, shops and other places for one hour from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm according to their local time. This event purely bases on voluntarism which means no one can force someone to switch off lights but each one has to do by oneself to show one’s love and care for the planet Earth.

Water is life - Respect it, Conserve it, Enjoy it

World Water Day is celebrated every year on 22nd March all over the world. UN General Assembly declared it in 1993 and since then global green fraternity has been observing it at global and local levels. The theme of 2013 for this day is; water is life – respect it, conserve it, enjoy it. The chief aim to observe this event is to make aware people on:
  • Our water resources are limited so we have to conserve them.
  • Fresh or sweet water is far less than the salt water on Earth hence we must not waste it
  • Polluted water is the most dangerous element for life on Earth so we must avoid it

To communicate the message of World Water Day various types of events are organized all around the world by the governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, corporations, communities, clubs and other forums to make people realize the importance of water in human life. People are made aware on how to use water with minimum wastage and how to avoid polluting the water.

Water is life; respect it

An average human body’s total composition is 70 per cent of water. It means water is the most essential element in life without which physical survival is next to impossible. After oxygen this is the second most essential need of human beings more particularly and all living beings in general. It confirms the oft-repeated proverbial reality that water is life. So don’t take water as an unimportant thing even if it is available in your area free of cost.