Water is life - Respect it, Conserve it, Enjoy it

World Water Day is celebrated every year on 22nd March all over the world. UN General Assembly declared it in 1993 and since then global green fraternity has been observing it at global and local levels. The theme of 2013 for this day is; water is life – respect it, conserve it, enjoy it. The chief aim to observe this event is to make aware people on:
  • Our water resources are limited so we have to conserve them.
  • Fresh or sweet water is far less than the salt water on Earth hence we must not waste it
  • Polluted water is the most dangerous element for life on Earth so we must avoid it

To communicate the message of World Water Day various types of events are organized all around the world by the governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, corporations, communities, clubs and other forums to make people realize the importance of water in human life. People are made aware on how to use water with minimum wastage and how to avoid polluting the water.

Water is life; respect it

An average human body’s total composition is 70 per cent of water. It means water is the most essential element in life without which physical survival is next to impossible. After oxygen this is the second most essential need of human beings more particularly and all living beings in general. It confirms the oft-repeated proverbial reality that water is life. So don’t take water as an unimportant thing even if it is available in your area free of cost.

Moreover, because of the greed of human being to produce more and more and owing to unbridled advancement in way of living we are polluting our water bodies. Industries are throwing effluent in them without treatment just to save few bucks. Our civic agencies are letting to go civic wastewater directly into them without processing it in treatment plant just to save their budgets. We ourselves in frenzy for enjoying don’t care and throw the garbage where we should not throw it and it eventually mixes into any nearby water body. It is rightly said that polluted water kills human beings in one year through various water-borne diseases more than the war do so in a year all around the world. So we must respect the water and do not pollute it.

Water is life; conserve it

On the planet Earth only 3 per cent is drinkable/useable water while rest is the salt water that is equally very important to maintain the natural balance of our ecosystem but is not for the use of living beings of all types. It shows the scarcity of water. It means it is one of those natural resources in the world which we cannot produce more. We should not misconceive the rains which are wrongly considered as a source of fresh water. Rain falls by clouds which are made through the evaporation process where water available on ground move in shape of drops over the sky and becomes cloud to make rain. Therefore the only way to resolve the issue of water scarcity is its conservation. We can conserve water through:
  • Fill the glass of water as much as we can drink easily
  • Never keep the tap open if there is a gap in using water
  • If wastewater is not dirty use it for other purposes like gardening
  • Never let water supply pipes to leak, so maintain them regularly
  • While bathing don’t take much time just take a bath as early as possible
  • For dish washing open tap slightly because no need of pressure to clean them
  • Wash clothes weekly in bulk to use minimum water
  • Wash your vehicle with hose that easily make pressure to clean it in less time and with less water

Water is life; enjoy it

Water is no doubt scarce on Earth; simultaneously it is also being polluted. But water is created by nature for whom; obviously for human and other living beings. All the natural resources are created for the benefit of human beings. Unfortunately we the human beings instead of taking their full advantage are destroying them because of our greed for more and more in less time. We must enjoy water by drinking it, making variety of health drinks with it and fulfilling water needs of body to continue living. So water is life; enjoy it. 

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