3 premium ways to stay safe from harms of pollution

tips to stay safe from pollution hazards
Polluters are harming our environment. There are no two opinions about it. Pollution control agencies all over the world are taking action against them but they are still polluting the environment. They have huge vested interest. Cost factor is involved in their crime. If industries treat water and effluent before their final disposal they have to pay extra cost. Eventually their cost of production would rise. They have to pay their products at higher rates. Consequently their sales volume declines. Similarly if vehicle owners buy high quality fuel they have to pay extra bugs. In every case cost factor is the main thing that is increasing pollution in this world.
In view of this situation we - the victims of pollution - should do what. Should we keep mum over flagrant acts of polluting? Or we should raise voice against it. If we do so in that case too can we stay safe from the menace of pollution. In every country green laws and their implementation mechanism is not as swift as it comes into action soon after we raise voice against polluters. It means while demanding our governments to prosecute the enemies of environment we should also stay safe from harms of pollution.

Keep a mask in your handbag

Make it your habit to keep an Anti Air Pollution Mask in your bag all the time. Wherever you see there is lot of traffic congestion and you feel little suffocation while breathing waste no time and
wear it without thinking with whom you are and where are you going. In this way you don’t have to inhale polluted air as much as you do without using any type of such mask. Please remember your health is more important than your looks, appearance and even if your income. Your good health is must to make money and live a happy life.

No compromise on polluted water

While moving outside home or office if you are not confirm about the quality of water don’t make compromise over it just to save time or to avoid bothering your host or attendant. Keep a Handy Water Purifier with you because after air pollution, water pollution is the second worst type of pollution that directly affect our health and send us to hospital bed in a little time.

Avoid indoor pollution

Kitchen emissions are the main source of indoor air pollution. There is no escape from kitchen. If you are hungry you have to cook because you can’t afford – health and money wise both – eating out daily. That is why you have to go in your kitchen to cook. At least you go in your kitchen thrice in a day for cooking or support cooking like warming the already cooked food. So your kitchen must be spacious, airy and with a Kitchen Exhaust Fan.
After narrating the above three premium tips I will not say that you would be totally safe from the harms of pollution. Still there are several others harms you have to combat but you can do so collectively and without paying any cost. For example:
  • Listen music in low sound to avoid noise pollution
  • Collect your home garbage in a dustbin and dispose it off daily in a community dustbin or the one at the outside of your home. In this way you would stay safe from the harms of garbage pollution.
  • Always use paper or cloth bag and never use plastic bags because once created plastic pollution can never be remove.

While staying safe from the harms of pollution we should keep raising our voice against all types of polluting activities that are taking place near our area, in our country and all around the world. For this we should join any green community or cause at Facebook or at any other social media to point out polluters in our surroundings. 

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