Enjoy Earth Hour 2013

Enjoy Earth Hour
The aware green lot of the whole world is celebrating Earth Hour on 23 March, 2013 to reflect its commitment for the cause of energy conservation that eventually addresses the issues of climate change and global warming. Global environmental forums under the leadership of World Wide Fund of Nature have initiated this event in 2007 and since then participation is going up and up in it. Every year more and more cities and countries are joining this cause and raising their voice for a world free from every type of grey matter.

Main objective to observe Earth Hour

Everywhere all around the world this event is observed to promote the habit of energy conservation by addressing the demand side of the energy. It means people are asked to switch off their lights for one hour from 8:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m (local time) and show their pledge that they would be saving energy for the whole year with the same level of commitment. Moreover, the spirit of voluntarism is maintained while appealing the people to observe the Earth Hour. No force, no control over electric supply. It is an open invitation to join this cause for all who understand its significance.

Misleading objective of Earth Hour

Many countries having persistent energy shortfall are shrewdly exploiting this opportunity to shield their inefficiency in energy production. They instead of leaving it up to the energy consumers to save energy during one hour try to control the energy supply by issuing decree to all main energy
users not to use lights during this time period. The governments of such countries issue directives to all its sub-ordinate offices and departments to switch off all the lights of their buildings during one hour.

It is a candid fact that the use of force can never promote any type of motivational or awareness activity. On the contrary people would hate such activities that force them do any specific task. In countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and India there is already quite a wide gap between energy supply and demand. In such countries if someone expects that people would voluntary observe load shedding for another one hour in addition to lengthy and daily power breakdowns, it would be nothing but an over-expectation from the masses.

Wrong approach in observance of Earth Hour

The main objective of observance of this event is really cool. The countries where there is no gap between energy supply and demand it is good to appeal consumers to switch off their lights for one hour every year just to show their will to keep saving energy for the whole year. Here the purpose is to save energy by regulating its demand. On the other hand administering the energy supply to install any passion for energy conservation in people is nothing but a stupid idea. The global organizers of this event are making people observe this event with the same spirit in all parts of the world either it is a rich country or poor one.

How to celebrate Earth Hour world over?

The organizer of this event World Wide Fund for Nature should first admit that this event cannot be observed with same parameters in each country of the world. For this purpose it has to divide this world in two segments;
One group of countries with no energy crisis: It can just publicize the objectives of this event in this group of countries and tell the people there how to celebrate it. Then it ups to people of these countries do they realize the significance of energy conservation and threat of climate change or not. If the awareness campaign by the organizers of this event is effectively launched then obviously people would observe it by their heart and vow to save energy during the whole year with the same passion.
Second group of countries with persistent energy shortfall: In this group of countries - where there are already lengthy hours of load shedding are going on - you cannot ask them to switch off their lights for one more hour. You can just make them understand that they must consume every unit of their energy with due care to lessen the gap between energy supply and demand. For this purpose you should just disseminate information on how to conserve energy at individual and collective level. No use of force or authority to switch of lights during one hour would work positively in such countries.

How to save energy in 24 hours on 23rd March?

Here I am giving 17 tips to conserve energy on Earth Hour on 23rd of March 2013. If there is no problem of load shedding or frequent power break down in your area just follow these tips and make every hour of this day and even of your whole life a true Earth Hour.
  1. Get up and switch off the nigh blub quickly
  2. Men try to shave with non-electric razor as it is quite safe for your skin also
  3. Make tea for the whole family in the morning in one-go avoiding electric cattle usage again and again
  4. Toast the bread in one-go in this way you would save the energy that you could have consumed by using the toaster more than once in a day
  5. No shake; just a glass of milk because there is no difference in nutrition of both the drinks
  6. Open the fridge once to get whatever you need for breakfast (on every open its cooling declines and compressor consumes more electricity)
  7. All in family; instead of going turn by turn or in separate cars; go together to workplace, educational institute
  8. Switch off those lights at workplace that you don’t need; that are simply fancy lights
  9. Bring lunch from home in hot box so you don’t need to oven it for refreshing
  10. Talk less on mobile and avoid unnecessary sms to consume battery less
  11. Take coffee or tea less at workplace to save energy and your health
  12. Avoid using electric hand dryer use a towel; just give two minutes to dry your hair in natural air or in the air of fan
  13. On weekends eat evening meal together (so you need not to oven the food for each one)  
  14. Watch TV program that you can’t skip; instead of it enjoy book reading
  15. Switch off laptop or computer; if you have to take a lengthy break
  16. Go to bed early and switch off lights
  17. If weather is good just use electric fan or keep the AC at lowest

I hope not a single tip above would disturb your daily routine. Some of these tips may sound strange to you but if you develop your habit to do them by and by leaving these tips would become strange for you. 

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