Water, 2 billion people are dying for it; but how long?

how to control water shortage
This was the slogan of World Environment Day of 2003 that means one decade ago two billion people were facing water shortage all across the world. Now after ten years that count must have risen up because of the two factors; 1) owing to rising population of the world and 2) due to expanding water scarcity all across the globe. Surely that number must have crossed the figure of 2 billion and now it is moving towards 3 billion.

Latest facts about water shortage

It is very surprising to know that world water leaders have coined this impressive slogan ten years ago to make people act for the conservation of water. Did they succeed in their attempt? Here are the latest facts about water scarcity that shows how much they have been succeeded in their efforts.
  • Owing to persistent water shortage nearly 3.5 million people all across the globe die and 99 percent of them are from developing world.
  • The shortage of clean drinking water kills the kids all over the world at a rate equal to the one that results in one jumbo jet crash after every four hours.
  • Every year 60 million people shift from villages to cities and towns all around the world but all of them have to settle in slums and informal settlements because of no sanitation and water supply facilities. It means there is an addition of 60 million people slum areas in human settlements every year.
  • Out of every nine people in the world one lack access to improved water resources
  • Death rate due to water pollution and water shortage is same as that of an intense and permanent war in an area.
  • A person living in an advanced country consumes water during bathing equal to an amount that is consumed by a person from poor country during whole day.
  • Water shortage is also rising in advanced countries like America where 25,000 more people have now to face water shortage as compare to ten years ago.

Water conservation efforts must go on

Either water shortage is rising or declining but there is consensus all over the world that water conservation efforts must go on. If we fail in an effort it does not mean we should stop making efforts. Instead we must improve our strategy and accelerate its pace to achieve quick results. For this purpose we should do the following:
  • Hate to let the tap open in gap. It means if we have to take little water to wash our tooth brush before brushing our teeth we must turn off the tap and don’t leave it opened. Adopt this habit while doing any kind of washing work.
  • Repair the drip without delay. If there is drip taking place in water supply pipe repair it without any delay and don’t put this work with lot of other pending works to do them on weekend. You are losing a precious natural resource so save it on emergency basis.
  • To water the plants and garden use a hose that has a cap. In this way whenever you turn off the tape of hose an amount of water stays in hose if you cap its opening. In this way you may use it next time watering the plants.
  • If your plants need water sprinkle then use a sprinkler to do so and save water from spilling uselessly.
  • For drinking purpose fill the glass as much as you can drink and need not to drain the leftover.
  • Make your habit to check the plumbing work of your house, office or factory once in a month. For this you can make a contract with plumber on low rates to do this job regularly.
  • Do all water related work in speed like washing utensils, taking shower, laundering etc. In this way you would save lot of water spilling during the gaps of keeping one washed thing and taking the other one for washing.
  • Make aware your friends, family and community about these and all other water saving tips you learn from any source.
  • And above all wherever you need water spend it to make your life clean and tidy but always use water with due care.

You might know already many of these water saving tips but I am sure that after reading them you have recalled them again. This should be our regular practice to recall all good things to make our life better. If small actions are done at massive level can bring huge results. This must be our belief. Stay blessed and happy. 

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