Ozone pollution

depletion of ozone layer
When ozone – a form of oxygen – hugely concentrates at ground level it creates ozone pollution.  Human beings and plants are quite vulnerable to ozone while this type of pollution is one of the biggest pollution problems in the world. It aggravates in sunny days which otherwise termed nice days in colder countries.  
Ozone contains oxygen threefold and is a highly poisonous gas. However, in Earth’s atmosphere it is quite beneficial as it filters the ultraviolet rays before they reach to Earth through sun. Increasing level of air pollution which contains highly toxic gases has cracked the ozone layer and now in most parts of the world ultraviolent rays are directly reaching the Earth exposing life to its harmful effects.

History of Ozone

Ozone was first time declared a new substance in 1840 and derived from a Greek verb ozein which means to smell because of its chemical odor. Its presence can be felt easily if it concentrates by 10 parts per billion in the air. The color of ozone gas is pale blue.

Ganges river pollution

Ganges river and pollution
The pollution level in river Ganges - the holies water body for Hindu folks - is 3000 times higher than the prescribed limit set by World Health Organization.  It hurts the largest river population in the world. Nearly 450 million people rely on water of Ganges for food, water, bathing, agriculture and religious rituals. Every year millions and millions of people visit this holy watery place to bathe and worship to please their gods.

Religious rituals not to be blamed

Religious rituals of Hindu folks can not be alleged of Ganges river pollution because whatever they do is according to their religious teachings and no religion can teach to harm the environment. Actually responsible agencies and departments have failed to mitigate its pollution level and have not yet come up with any plan to offset all such pollution load created by religious practices over there.
The ash of dead bodies is flowed into Ganges River according to traditions of Hinduism and it can not be held responsible for pollution in it because every body is allowed to exercise his or her religious right of whatever type and one can not declare any of such right as harmful to nature. Actually government and relevant departments have not developed any mechanism so that whatever ashes are flowed into the river Ganges could not become part of the silt in it nor it contaminates the river water but it can be removed from the water through a scientific or chemical process.

Nonpoint source pollution

pollution without any specific source
Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution means pollution being caused not from an exact source but like agriculture runoff which pollutes the rivers and other water bodies by getting mixed into them from thousands of acres of agriculture land. Similarly emissions from jet engines are also nonpoint source pollution. It may pertains to air, water and land pollutions because wherever there is no any exact point of emissions or effluent or waste it is called nonpoint source pollution.

Pollution from a source

Pollution being created from a source is not only easy to identify but its source can be regulated through green laws to check the emissions and effluent from it so that they may be contained to allowable limit. Like emissions from the chimney of the factory may be monitored and if these are emitted more than prescribed limits they can be regulated through environmental regulations and owner of such factory may be prosecuted to court.

Nonpoint source pollution

However, nonpoint source pollution can not be regulated because there is no specific point where from it is coming and that is why legal action can be initiated against the source which is spread to a broad area even of whole world if it an issue of climate change. Therefore, to control the NPS the role of communities and nations is of utmost importance as they can make the difference in this regard and feel their responsibility to stave off all such activities which may give rise to nonpoint source pollution.
Also read my article what is pollution control

Rain water

Rain water while flowing to downstream sheds the entire solid, industrial waste and effluent along its way and falls into a river or other water body and contaminate its water. It is a typical example of nonpoint source pollution as there is no exact cause of this pollution because we can not control raining. In this regard the only precautionary measure could be adopted is that there should be proper management system of solid waste, civic wastewater, industrial waste and effluent so that if rain falls its water sheds minimum of such wastes and effluent into the water bodies. However, rain falls everywhere and indiscriminately therefore the places where such effluent and wastes are disposed off may also receive heavy rainfall and theses stuffs may also flow with rain water to places where they should not move to.  
You may also read the article environmental pollution


Therefore, we can not be emphatic while suggesting solutions for nonpoint source pollution because its sources are spread to wide range of area. Only communities and nations could play their role to limit such sources which cause NPS everywhere. 

River pollution

about river pollution
When industrial effluent, civic wastewater, chemical waste, civic waste, hospital waste, nuclear waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste and agricultural runoff is thrown or dumped directly into the river advertently or inadvertently it causes river pollution affecting the quality of the river water and aquatic environment including fisheries, silt, flora and fauna and other living and non-living beings related to river.

Usage of river water

River water is used fro drinking purpose as it flows from river to lake and then canals and ponds. Thereafter, civic agencies either supply it directly to residential and industrial areas for consumption or in advanced countries it goes through a scientific process of cleansing and thereafter it is supplied to households, offices and factories. The wastewater is also treated by civic agencies and it is supplied again to end users to avoid water shortage if fresh water from various water bodies is not sufficient enough to fulfill entire water needs.

Who cares river?

Water is available in river without any outer protection therefore it is exposed to various forms of polluting agents and in one way or the other it gets polluted. However, aware communities harm all types of environment including river lesser as compare to those who don’t know the importance of natural resources for the survival of human life on planet Earth.

Who does not care river?

Mostly less aware or unaware communities play a significant role to pollute the river. They without any hesitation throw used items directly into the river and without any unease flow the waste water into the river while living adjoining to a river. Likewise industries unaware of significance of river environment directly flow their effluents and waste into the river just to avoid cost of treating and safely disposing them. Civic agencies just to avoid lengthy process of disposing of garbage and waste into designated landfill sites sometimes pile up them at places nearby river which flow into the river with wind pressure and causes river pollution. Farming communities flow the agricultural runoff including refuse of pesticide and chemical fertilizer directly into water bodies including river.

What to do?

It is the responsibility of both government and communities to play their due role to save the river from all types of pollution. Government should enforce laws to control river pollution and strictly implement them to punish those who pollute river intentionally or unintentionally. Similarly communities should realize their role to keep the river free from pollution as much as they can. They can bring behavioral changes in them regarding environmental care of river and don’t pass the buck to government or environmental law enforcement agencies to save the river from pollution. Together we can keep our environment free from all types of pollution. 

Earth pollution

polluted planet earth
Earth pollution occurs whenever we pollute our mother Earth and it adds to its overall pollution level. It means all our polluting activities jointly increase the pollution load on Earth. Unfortunately while doing this we forget that this is the only planet we have where we can live otherwise on rest of the planets survival of life is not possible.
There are several polluting activities which directly or indirectly in one way or the other way pollute our mother Earth which we sometimes notice and most of the time it all go unheeded and its effects appear when we feel more pollution load in air we breath, in water we drink and on land where we walk. Some of the polluting activities are:

Solid waste mismanagement

This is the worst source to pollute the soil. If garbage, waste and refuse of houses, offices, industries and farming lands is not disposed off properly it litters our soil. There is a proper method to dispose of civic waste which includes garbage from homes and offices. From its sources – homes and offices – to ultimate disposal at landfill site a proper method ensuring the safety of environment and human health is adopted to keep people safe from its harmful effects. If during this whole process any part of the method is not followed properly then people exposed to its effects may suffer from various diseases like cholera, gastro, infections, allergies etc. Similarly disposal of waste generated from industries and factories under prescribed guidelines is very necessary failing which it adds to land pollution.

Hospital waste mismanagement

Entire pathological and infectious wastes of hospital must be disposed of through appropriate method otherwise it could directly hit the human health through its infectious effects and may cause several serious diseases. Therefore, hospital waste must be incinerated – burning through high temperature machines – or through autoclave. Former is the technology which neutralizes the infectious effects of such waste through moisturizing process.

Non-treatment of wastewater and effluent

If effluent coming from industries and factories is not treated to neutralize its harmful effects and let to flow into water bodies including river, sea, lake or water canal it adds water pollution and ultimately hit the water features of land. Similarly if wastewater coming from homes is not treated before its final disposal to water bodies it may also add to the miseries of polluted water. If we consume polluted water we may suffer from various diseases of serious nature like gastro, joint aches, kidney problems, liver diseases etc.

Emissions beyond limits

If smoke emissions from vehicles and factories exceed the limits set by various environmental watchdogs and which are not considered negligible in this way they add to air pollution and ultimately mars the beauty of the air of our mother Earth. Therefore, smoke emitting setups of our vehicles and factories must be scientifically developed to let the lesser emissions. 

Beach pollution

pollution beach
Beach pollution means littering of beach. Beaches are great source of picnic and enjoyment if they are maintained properly and people take care of them. Unfortunately visiting folks don’t think about it and in fun and enjoyment they litter them without any care for it. It mostly happens in third world countries but sometimes it is also observed in quite advanced countries where people in frenzy for enjoyment pollute the beach by throwing garbage, cans, tins, packets, refuse etc  and its seems a messy place quite unfit for picnic.
Who cares?
On beaches civic agencies usually install instructions boards to guide the visitors how to stay on beach and for their convenience dust bins are also put up with clear signs of “us me” inscribed over them to ask people throw the garbage in them. But it all go unheeded and many careless and irresponsible visitors clearly lacking beach awareness instead of following these guidelines do conversely and throw the garbage here and there instead of using the dustbins.
Beach neighbors
Urban settlements of coastal areas in most of the less developed countries releases their sewerage and drainage directly into the sea through rain drains and directly hit the beach as well as sea. It is usually observed where civic agencies of such areas are lethargic enough to provide any alternative arrangement to dispose of civic wastewater after proper treatment or they do not have any facility to do so. Here ultimately our beaches have to suffer because of whatever reason.


who polluted world
Polluted is every thing in our age, our whole life is full of pollution. Our air, water and land all is the worst victim of the menace of pollution. In routine, we cast a look over ten most polluted cities of the world, ten most polluted lakes and list goes on. We just raise our knowledge about the subject and a few of us intending to become expert keep reading more while we leave such articles for others to just routinely read them without affecting upon their message. Why, because our awareness level itself is polluted.
Why our awareness level is polluted
In this era of material well being where every criteria of success is material achievement in such a time of mayhem there is no worth of inner values. Who cares your integrity, morality and honesty? Just a few people most of them are your loved ones. If you have a magnificent car, all salutes are for you and if you don’t all frowns are at you.

The main reason of our focus on all such knowledge which makes us rich is to look prominent in a materialistic society. If we talk about environmental care that too, because it’s a symbol of high society, in less developed societies, to talk about it and show concerns on its degradation. 

Pollution Quotes

sayings on pollution
Actions speak louder than words is a proverb that is well applied to series of pollution quotes which no doubt sensitize its readers to stand up for action against pollution but despite their huge influence one can’t deny the fact that it is time to act against pollution instead of just conducting lengthy debate on how to control it. Otherwise we would be apologizing our next generation on handing over them a polluted Earth full of pollutants and diseases. No one wants to give one’s offspring a harmful thing.
According to a famous pollution quote; “No witchcraft, no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world. The people had done it themselves”. Here again this quote itself is admitting that it is the action which mar or protect our environment and causes or remove pollution. Therefore, apart from reading discourse on various environmental issues, their solution is equally necessary.