Beach pollution

pollution beach
Beach pollution means littering of beach. Beaches are great source of picnic and enjoyment if they are maintained properly and people take care of them. Unfortunately visiting folks don’t think about it and in fun and enjoyment they litter them without any care for it. It mostly happens in third world countries but sometimes it is also observed in quite advanced countries where people in frenzy for enjoyment pollute the beach by throwing garbage, cans, tins, packets, refuse etc  and its seems a messy place quite unfit for picnic.
Who cares?
On beaches civic agencies usually install instructions boards to guide the visitors how to stay on beach and for their convenience dust bins are also put up with clear signs of “us me” inscribed over them to ask people throw the garbage in them. But it all go unheeded and many careless and irresponsible visitors clearly lacking beach awareness instead of following these guidelines do conversely and throw the garbage here and there instead of using the dustbins.
Beach neighbors
Urban settlements of coastal areas in most of the less developed countries releases their sewerage and drainage directly into the sea through rain drains and directly hit the beach as well as sea. It is usually observed where civic agencies of such areas are lethargic enough to provide any alternative arrangement to dispose of civic wastewater after proper treatment or they do not have any facility to do so. Here ultimately our beaches have to suffer because of whatever reason.
Also read my article water pollution to learn how polluted water affects negatively health of human beings. 
Awareness is blessing
In advanced countries special care is given to keep the beaches clean and free from pollution. In such countries people visit beaches frequently and fully know their significance in providing relief to people. That is why they take full care of their beaches and own them as if their personal property. We all know that no one hits one’s own property therefore; if we take public property as our own we will not damage it either intentionally or unintentionally.
Who to stand up?
It is a sign of hope that children are more careful to keep the beaches clean. In almost every country either advanced or backward the most frequently held environmental activity in schools of coastal areas is beach cleaning when students of a school go to nearby beach and clean it. If our younger generations are this much caring about one of the precious natural resources then we being the responsible people why do avoid our responsibility by passing the buck on others. This is the only area of environmental care where communities on self help basis can keep their nearby beaches clean and free from pollution

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