Earth pollution

polluted planet earth
Earth pollution occurs whenever we pollute our mother Earth and it adds to its overall pollution level. It means all our polluting activities jointly increase the pollution load on Earth. Unfortunately while doing this we forget that this is the only planet we have where we can live otherwise on rest of the planets survival of life is not possible.
There are several polluting activities which directly or indirectly in one way or the other way pollute our mother Earth which we sometimes notice and most of the time it all go unheeded and its effects appear when we feel more pollution load in air we breath, in water we drink and on land where we walk. Some of the polluting activities are:

Solid waste mismanagement

This is the worst source to pollute the soil. If garbage, waste and refuse of houses, offices, industries and farming lands is not disposed off properly it litters our soil. There is a proper method to dispose of civic waste which includes garbage from homes and offices. From its sources – homes and offices – to ultimate disposal at landfill site a proper method ensuring the safety of environment and human health is adopted to keep people safe from its harmful effects. If during this whole process any part of the method is not followed properly then people exposed to its effects may suffer from various diseases like cholera, gastro, infections, allergies etc. Similarly disposal of waste generated from industries and factories under prescribed guidelines is very necessary failing which it adds to land pollution.

Hospital waste mismanagement

Entire pathological and infectious wastes of hospital must be disposed of through appropriate method otherwise it could directly hit the human health through its infectious effects and may cause several serious diseases. Therefore, hospital waste must be incinerated – burning through high temperature machines – or through autoclave. Former is the technology which neutralizes the infectious effects of such waste through moisturizing process.

Non-treatment of wastewater and effluent

If effluent coming from industries and factories is not treated to neutralize its harmful effects and let to flow into water bodies including river, sea, lake or water canal it adds water pollution and ultimately hit the water features of land. Similarly if wastewater coming from homes is not treated before its final disposal to water bodies it may also add to the miseries of polluted water. If we consume polluted water we may suffer from various diseases of serious nature like gastro, joint aches, kidney problems, liver diseases etc.

Emissions beyond limits

If smoke emissions from vehicles and factories exceed the limits set by various environmental watchdogs and which are not considered negligible in this way they add to air pollution and ultimately mars the beauty of the air of our mother Earth. Therefore, smoke emitting setups of our vehicles and factories must be scientifically developed to let the lesser emissions. 

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