River pollution

about river pollution
When industrial effluent, civic wastewater, chemical waste, civic waste, hospital waste, nuclear waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste and agricultural runoff is thrown or dumped directly into the river advertently or inadvertently it causes river pollution affecting the quality of the river water and aquatic environment including fisheries, silt, flora and fauna and other living and non-living beings related to river.

Usage of river water

River water is used fro drinking purpose as it flows from river to lake and then canals and ponds. Thereafter, civic agencies either supply it directly to residential and industrial areas for consumption or in advanced countries it goes through a scientific process of cleansing and thereafter it is supplied to households, offices and factories. The wastewater is also treated by civic agencies and it is supplied again to end users to avoid water shortage if fresh water from various water bodies is not sufficient enough to fulfill entire water needs.

Who cares river?

Water is available in river without any outer protection therefore it is exposed to various forms of polluting agents and in one way or the other it gets polluted. However, aware communities harm all types of environment including river lesser as compare to those who don’t know the importance of natural resources for the survival of human life on planet Earth.

Who does not care river?

Mostly less aware or unaware communities play a significant role to pollute the river. They without any hesitation throw used items directly into the river and without any unease flow the waste water into the river while living adjoining to a river. Likewise industries unaware of significance of river environment directly flow their effluents and waste into the river just to avoid cost of treating and safely disposing them. Civic agencies just to avoid lengthy process of disposing of garbage and waste into designated landfill sites sometimes pile up them at places nearby river which flow into the river with wind pressure and causes river pollution. Farming communities flow the agricultural runoff including refuse of pesticide and chemical fertilizer directly into water bodies including river.

What to do?

It is the responsibility of both government and communities to play their due role to save the river from all types of pollution. Government should enforce laws to control river pollution and strictly implement them to punish those who pollute river intentionally or unintentionally. Similarly communities should realize their role to keep the river free from pollution as much as they can. They can bring behavioral changes in them regarding environmental care of river and don’t pass the buck to government or environmental law enforcement agencies to save the river from pollution. Together we can keep our environment free from all types of pollution. 

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