Ozone pollution

depletion of ozone layer
When ozone – a form of oxygen – hugely concentrates at ground level it creates ozone pollution.  Human beings and plants are quite vulnerable to ozone while this type of pollution is one of the biggest pollution problems in the world. It aggravates in sunny days which otherwise termed nice days in colder countries.  
Ozone contains oxygen threefold and is a highly poisonous gas. However, in Earth’s atmosphere it is quite beneficial as it filters the ultraviolet rays before they reach to Earth through sun. Increasing level of air pollution which contains highly toxic gases has cracked the ozone layer and now in most parts of the world ultraviolent rays are directly reaching the Earth exposing life to its harmful effects.

History of Ozone

Ozone was first time declared a new substance in 1840 and derived from a Greek verb ozein which means to smell because of its chemical odor. Its presence can be felt easily if it concentrates by 10 parts per billion in the air. The color of ozone gas is pale blue.
After the industrial revolution in eighteenth century the air emissions due to vehicular and industrial pollution have risen astronomically and added concentration in Earth atmosphere resulting breach in ozone layer and caused its depletion which ultimately paved the way for ultraviolet rays to directly reach the Earth without filtration and added miseries to human, animal and plant lives.

Ozone pollution is a global issue

Ozone pollution is a threat forthe whole world. Nations of the world are on one-page to mitigate air pollution level so that further breach in ozone layer may be stopped but their pledges are confined to verbal promises and owing to stiff competition to produce more and more they are unable to rationalize their industrial growth. Rapid growth in number of vehicles and industries all around the world has already multiplied the pace of air emissions which has made the ozone layer more vulnerable.

Ozone pollution control

In another attempt environmental organizations of the world have proposed to regulate such emissions all around the world which carry those gases that directly hit the ozone layer making it fragile but nothing practical was done anywhere in the world to implement this proposal. Chlorofluorocarbon is considered to be one of the harmful gases which if mixed into air pollutants may harm ozone layer very seriously but in most of the countries no efforts are made to contain its emissions. In refrigeration process it is emitted more than that of any other process.


Ozone pollution can not be controlled if the nations of world jointly tackle it while feeling it as if their collective problem. But every country is passing the buck on others just to escape from this important responsibility. Experts believe if things go on unchanged then after sometimes most of the ultraviolet rays would be reaching the world without any purification and life on Earth would become more vulnerable to it.  

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