Hurricane Sandy and our ecosystem

cyclone in US

Hurricane sandy lashed the eastern coast of the United States (27-29 October 2012) and rattled the life in sixteen states by paralyzing the entire activities there. It killed fifty five persons in various incidents related to the super storm. Hundreds of homes completely collapsed while more than fifty homes gutted due to the electric short circuits in watery cables. Nearly fifty million people directly or indirectly hit due to this cyclone which equally played havoc with the infrastructure. The pressure of the hurricane sandy shed the entire landscape along the eastern coast of the US and badly affected the coastal areas.

Eid ul Adha and animal pollution

All Muslims of the world are observing the Eidul Adha (15/16 October 2013) a great Islamic day of thankfulness and obedience to God.

The background

Eidul Adha is an Islamic special day. All Muslims of the world observe this day every year to remember the sacrificial spirit of one of their holy prophets Hazrat Ibrahim Alaih Salam (AW) who thousands years ago offered his willingness to slaughter his own son and also a prophet himself Hazrat Ismail AW on the name of Almighty God. When he was about to slaughter his own son, God sent a sheep from the sky and replaced it with his son and he slaughtered it with the same spirit as if he is sacrificing his own son on the name of God.

10 tips to go green and prevent pollution

10 tips to go green and prevent pollution are actually an effort to control the environmental degradation on self help basis. During our daily life there are a lot of small acts which if adopted willingly can contribute significantly in the abatement of this menace which has badly affected our beautiful environment and caused the spread of several diseases.
Here are 10 tips to go green and prevent pollution which needs to be implemented with the strong will for the cause of better environment without spending a penny even by saving a lot. 

Carbon trading or license to pollute?

Carbon trading means permitting an industry to emit certain amount of smoke and if it does so less it is allowed to sale the permissibility of the rest amount of emissions to any other industry on a price as quoted by the buyer which means this transaction takes place in a carbon trading exchange.  An exchange is market mechanism where already sold products are resold on agreed price. It is also called emissions trading which was adopted by industrialized nations after Kyoto protocol - an international agreement binding the developed nations to reduce their carbon emissions by 5.2% till 2012.

Top 3 reasons of pollution

how pollution is created
Top three reasons of pollution may be quite a strange topic for you because we off and on read a lengthy list of causes and sources which raise the pollution load on planet earth but do not think about why this menace is rife all around the world. Most strangely whoever is responsible for its spread fully knows its havocs and negative impacts on life and environment but despite of this fact the situation is worsening instead of a little retreat in it.

Global demagogues lambast the acts of polluting and never leave any chance to condemn it. If we count there are innumerable pledges and commitments made at global forums during previous two decades but despite that the green is turning into orange in all components of the earth either it is land, water or air and all are receiving the worst hit.

Pollution a weapon of mass destruction

how pollution destroys us
Pollution is a virtual weapon of mass destruction. Everywhere there is hue and cry against the stockpiles of ammunitions in several countries and developed demagogues waste not time to resolve preemptive strike against them. This spirit is good because weapon is indeed a lethal instrument even if whatever type of it is, but we should see all kinds of weapons with the same eye. Some weapons kill life at once and some kill bye and bye but all of them annihilate the entire life. So which one is the most dangerous?

It is very right that a country found involved in spreading the weapons of mass destruction must be dealt with iron hand and be slammed and condemned at every level globally to stop its likely odd actions against life and nature.

Solutions for pollution

how to solve pollution problem
Solutions for pollution are numerous. We can’t adopt all of them in one-go so why should we learn about all of them. Adopting a practical approach, we should look to those which are directly related to our daily life.
Why we are so much worried about rising level of the pollution? Because we have no more clean air to breath, pure water to drink and uncontaminated food to eat. You got my point. We have to follow those solutions for pollution which are related to food, water and air because if we consume any of them contaminated it will directly, instantly and negatively impact our health resulting into various fatal diseases.
So let’s discuss the most relevant solutions for pollution which are within our reach and for their implementation we don’t have to appeal someone else.

Pollution control

legislation and awareness to stop pollution
Pollution control is usually taken as a responsibility of all. Of course it is the collectively responsibility of the all and sundry but in its literal sense it is a system. To make it an excellent system free from any loophole and idealistically smoother is the responsibility of all of us. How? Let me explain further.

Twin blades of the pollution control system

Pollution control is a system developed with the support of the legislative and the awareness mechanism. On the one side of it there are laws, rules, regulations and guidelines to set limit for every stakeholder including industry, hospital, civic agency, office, household, vehicle, ship etc to emit or release liquid, solid or gaseous pollution within the permissible limits. These limits are set by the environmentalist who put a red line at the quantity of each such stuff that can be emitted or released and its beyond that fixed level means polluting the environment.

Solid waste spoils our life

how solid waste hits our health
Solid waste spoils our life if it is not managed at source, destination or both. If it is not managed at the place where it is being generated like homes, offices, industries etc its pileup may directly affect our health by generating harmful bacteria in surrounding which may cause various infectious and even fatal diseases in people of vicinity and of course typhoid, malaria, dysentery and more alarmingly cholera are few of them.
Solid waste at source
If solid waste is not properly managed at the destination, the place where it is finally disposed off – it is technically called landfill site – it may hurt the environment more particularly of our land and its harmful effects may transmit with wind pressure and again can hit us through harmful bacteria and germs.
Moving solid waste
So we can say that solid waste may directly hit us if it is not properly handled even at the stage of its transportation from the source to destination – from our homes to designated landfill sites. During the process of its carriage if precautionary measures are not taken its collectors and carriers may be the first victims of its negative effects. After that the people in vehicles on the road where from solid waste crosses may shift some of its harmfulness to the commuters.