Solid waste spoils our life

how solid waste hits our health
Solid waste spoils our life if it is not managed at source, destination or both. If it is not managed at the place where it is being generated like homes, offices, industries etc its pileup may directly affect our health by generating harmful bacteria in surrounding which may cause various infectious and even fatal diseases in people of vicinity and of course typhoid, malaria, dysentery and more alarmingly cholera are few of them.
Solid waste at source
If solid waste is not properly managed at the destination, the place where it is finally disposed off – it is technically called landfill site – it may hurt the environment more particularly of our land and its harmful effects may transmit with wind pressure and again can hit us through harmful bacteria and germs.
Moving solid waste
So we can say that solid waste may directly hit us if it is not properly handled even at the stage of its transportation from the source to destination – from our homes to designated landfill sites. During the process of its carriage if precautionary measures are not taken its collectors and carriers may be the first victims of its negative effects. After that the people in vehicles on the road where from solid waste crosses may shift some of its harmfulness to the commuters.
Who to manage solid waste?
Who are responsible for the solid waste management? Yes at the point of the source you being the community have great role to manage the solid waste properly without letting it litter around. We very lovingly put the dustbin in our homes even in every room just to avoid any kind of littering in our house. So we need to treat our street and city as our home and at least in our streets we may put up a collective dustbin on self help basis by sharing its cost. For residential and commercial areas if there are no dustbins we may ask our civic authorities to do so. I don’t think civic agencies of developed countries would evade putting dustbins. Yeah in less developed and poor countries it remains an issue who to do what for the proper management of the solid waste. Most developed nations are lucky enough to have privatized system of waste collection and disposal where communities have less to do and entire work is mostly done by the contractors.
Evasiveness to manage solid waste
Interestingly in third world countries both the governments and public are passing the buck over the question of who to manage the solid waste. Government feels communities have greater role to manage it at the source. While communities slams governments of not taking proper measures to dispose off garbage through an environment friendly manner.
Shared responsibility
There is plethora of information on websites about how much solid waste is generated where and how it is treated but the bone of contention of this issue is avoidance of shared responsibility. Yeah it is our shared responsibility to dispose of the garbage from our area with an ideal collaboration of all the concerned groups including communities, contractors of solid waste collection and off course the government. If it is not done so we may be the next victim of this menace just like thousands and thousands are becoming so all around the world because of their own lethargy to deal with this issue with the sense of shared responsibility.

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