Pollution control

legislation and awareness to stop pollution
Pollution control is usually taken as a responsibility of all. Of course it is the collectively responsibility of the all and sundry but in its literal sense it is a system. To make it an excellent system free from any loophole and idealistically smoother is the responsibility of all of us. How? Let me explain further.

Twin blades of the pollution control system

Pollution control is a system developed with the support of the legislative and the awareness mechanism. On the one side of it there are laws, rules, regulations and guidelines to set limit for every stakeholder including industry, hospital, civic agency, office, household, vehicle, ship etc to emit or release liquid, solid or gaseous pollution within the permissible limits. These limits are set by the environmentalist who put a red line at the quantity of each such stuff that can be emitted or released and its beyond that fixed level means polluting the environment.
On the other and equally important side at every level efforts are made to convince the polluters stop doing so or continue their all sort of activities staying within the permissible polluting limits. Here they are not subject to the possible penalties and fine over polluting but they are sensitized to voluntarily play their role to save the environment from further degradation. 

Legislation first

The first part of the pollution control system i.e. environmental legislation and prosecution of polluters is comparatively a challenging task. Here several forces resist its proper implementation. At the stage of legislation efforts are made to make lenient legislation or some loopholes are left to let the polluters save their skin on one pretext or the other. Similarly during prosecution the cumbersome and mostly lengthy process of litigation exhausts the complainant and polluter both and thousands of green cases have been lingering on in poor and less developing countries for a long period of time while situation in developed world is also not so much encouraging. 

Awareness simultaneously

The second part of the pollution control system is awareness which is highly welcome by all the stakeholders but practically it has become buzzword. In many countries instead of making aware polluters on harms of pollution toddlers and kids are targeted to sensitize them to convince their elders not to pollute the environment. Strangely enough the task which can be accomplished directly is willfully done indirectly. Isn’t it urgent to ask not to pollute to those elements that are polluting or may pollute right now instead of those who needs quite some time to grow elder and then use their option of befriending the environment or hurting it.

Before it’s too late

So know it is I think quite clear that pollution control is a system where we have to simultaneously implement its both instruments - awareness and legislation - to save the environment from further degradation. Otherwise we will remain entangled in juicy debate of how to control pollution and keep on narrating list of dos and dons to care our environment and leave the pollution control system in the state of inactivity.What do you think about pollutioncontrol; can it be done through legislation, awareness, both or you have some other idea. I would love to read your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Everybody should give their best to prevent pollution. Bicycling is a great both for the environment and for my health!
