Pollution a weapon of mass destruction

how pollution destroys us
Pollution is a virtual weapon of mass destruction. Everywhere there is hue and cry against the stockpiles of ammunitions in several countries and developed demagogues waste not time to resolve preemptive strike against them. This spirit is good because weapon is indeed a lethal instrument even if whatever type of it is, but we should see all kinds of weapons with the same eye. Some weapons kill life at once and some kill bye and bye but all of them annihilate the entire life. So which one is the most dangerous?

It is very right that a country found involved in spreading the weapons of mass destruction must be dealt with iron hand and be slammed and condemned at every level globally to stop its likely odd actions against life and nature.
Several upholders of global peace keep on slamming those countries which are alleged of holding stock piles of ammunition-based weapons of mass destruction but the holders of other types of such weapons are simply called the most polluting countries of the world. Why not they also be declared global environmental terrorists and collective peaceful action should be taken against them to make them realize the significance of the green peace.

China stands atop in this category which emits 6,018 tonnes of greenhouse gases each year which if presumably replaced with the ammunition on the basis of its fatalness it may kill thousands and thousand of people. The tonnes of greenhouse gases which are annually emitted by China would also lead us to the path of destruction if global pressure is not made on it to reduce its carbon emission before it’s too late.  
The greenhouse gases (methane, nitrous oxide, ozone3, carbon dioxide) and carbon monoxide if emitted and mixed into the atmospheric air beyond a tolerable limit, it directly impact the climate of the world which eventually brings on natural disasters like floods, cyclone, tsunami and damage the life enormously.
The great America is number two in this category from 2007 and earlier it was number one polluter of the world. It is not too behind China in emitting carbon annually which comes out to be 5,833 tonnes of greenhouse gases.
The arch rival of USA in the days of bipolar world Russia is number three most polluter nation of the world with annual carbon emissions of 1,704 tonnes per year; thanks to dismemberment of USSR which split its emissions into the several broken-up central Asia states.
Despite being a poor country India is the fourth most polluting country of the world because of huge volume of its size. Its annual carbon output is 1,293 million tones. Its main reason is heavy urbanization and industrialization taking place in every part of the India but being a less developed nation the factor of planning is missing in its most of the developmental activities. Ultimately its environment is receiving big hit which eventually escalating its level of the poverty as well.
Japan the great economic super power of the world is number 5th in emitting highest amount of carbon in atmosphere which can migrate from one place to another and eventually move up to the sky causing disaster for ozone layer, and its depletion directly hits life on earth. Japan emits 1,247 million tones carbon annually from its industries and vehicles.

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EU countries stand sixth with collective emission of 858 million tones carbon per year, Canada being 7th emits 614 million tones, UK at number 8 with 586 million tones carbon emissions, South Korea at number 9 with 514 million tones greenhouse gases emissions and Iran is at number  10 with 471 million tones of greenhouse gases emissions in one year.

Please also read my article Pollution Shocks

So which is the most devastating country in the world those which have stocks of ammunition or those which emits one of the most dangerous gas in the atmosphere in huge number. The both categories are the most dangerous and same kind of action should be taken against both the categories. But the question is who would take action against the countries emitting highest volume of carbon in the ambient air? Would America take action against global polluters, or China, or Japan, or EU or Canada??? Lol!

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