How to spice up your relationship by going green?

Are you worried about your fading relationship? Maybe you know its reasons. But you may not have a perfect remedy to solve this problem. Maybe you both are aware of it. Or at least you alone fully know what’s going around. 

So just forget about assumptions and come to reality. Bring practical change. It won’t be behavioral change. But it won’t let you wonder how to spice up your relationship. The change will take it to the new height of passion, energy, and rejoicing.

Again, don’t worry. I will not give you a boring lesson on how to spice up your relationship? Believe me no green sermons. I won’t advise you to plant a tree. Nor would I ask you to go vegan. Even I won’t suggest you do a long walk with your partner.

going green
All my tips won’t be green but actually, they are green. It all depends on you. How do you take them? Just drop your comments to let me know are these tips green or just a little care lies in them.

Use natural toothpaste and eat whatever you want to even if your are 70+

Many people get angry whenever I compare the way of living of people of the past era and present era. Here past means up to a hundred years ago.

In the past, people were healthier, happier and richer than us. They were not habitual of laziness. They did not rely too much on machines. They were not after short-live benefits. They didn't think about the present only while forgetting the future. So they were quite better than us.

But now on the excuse of a fast way of living people want everything ready-made. What is the use of a fast life where you don’t have time to even take care of yourself?

Fast food, canned juices, looking busy and doing nothing is in no way taking care of you. It is actually hurting yourself and remain unaware of its harms.

Look around yourself and ask someone what is organic. He will likely tell you organic means a thing produced without any processing.

Unlimited green jobs for people who insanely love environment

Do you know the real potential of a sustainable job market? Are you a green lover and want to do the job you love? Here is a complete answer to these and several other questions of the same type.

If you enter this market you will never lose your job? Or if you lose one, sooner will get the other. This sector will be expanding in the coming decades.

To select a green career or to change to it, this post of more than 2500 words is a complete guide for you. It’s more than an eco jobs alert. It will answer the following questions in detail.
  • Why businesses go green?
  • How businesses go green?
  • How green jobs are created?
  • What are the main sustainability jobs?
  • Where to find an environmental job?
  • What to study to get a green job?
  • How to change to a green career?
  • A complete guide on environmental jobs
  • How much salary you can expect?
So to get the detailed answer to these questions, read this post to the end. If you don’t have time right now, just bookmark it for reading it in your free time.

green jobs
The terms green job, environmental job and sustainability job have the same meaning.


Businesses are going green all over the world. They have to do this for their own sake. Business leaders know going green will direct the future course of their actions. They are aware that a greener company will be a more profitable firm.

If Climate Change Really Behaves Like A Husband?

What a husband usually does after a few years of his marriage.

He loses interest in his wife and develops more interests in others' wives.

The same rule applies to climate change with a little difference.

It affects those more which creates it less while affecting less those which create it a lot.

A wife cares more for her husband and gets lesser in return. A girlfriend cares less for her boyfriend and gets more in return.

climate change
It is a brutal injustice that those who are causing climate change are not its worst victims. While those that are not contributing much to it, are suffering most from its worst effects.

A less-developed country - like Pakistan - does not pollute the air as much as a developed country does.

Why a gluten-free diet is not a healthy diet for all? Take it easy

Many people still don't know about the gluten-free diet. So how come they know its pros and cons. So let’s first know about gluten and its impacts on our health.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a type of protein that is found in wheat, barley, rye, spelled, oat and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye).

It is present in many kinds of foods. It acts like glue in foods and holds food particles together. Gluten creates a little elasticity in dough and has the ability to rise bread. It gives chewy and fluffy texture like in bread.

How is the consumption of gluten for your health?

Gluten is just fine for most people as they consume it regularly like in wheat or in other foods.

7 disastrous effects on your kids of not living green

Living green is a voluntary lifestyle. No law forces you to follow it. Nor any convention or tradition stresses you for adopting it.

If you are aware; you love this lifestyle. If you are not then you seek happiness in the indulgence of everything. Right

Our forefathers were living green but we don’t think much about them. We do remember a lot of things about their life. But we rarely talk about their green way of living.

Who among us rides on a bike because his grandfathers were doing so? Let me know in the comments section below.

We take the shield of technological progress for our not living green. We term it our flexibility to avail every new scientific invention and make it a part of our life. Actually, we do this in a craze to make our life more and more comfortable.

living green
Were our forefathers suffering from obesity? Obviously not, their lifestyle was so simple. Why don’t we follow them? We can’t. It is our simple answer. We want to keep pace with our techie era.

21 Powerful Non-Masonry Tools To Build A Green City

We build a house by the bricks but we make a home by our hearts. Right

So, a city is built by the machinery, tools and construction material. But a green city is built by your love for the environment. It means building a city without harming the environment. It ensures full environmental care.

A city already built should also be converted into a green city. Countries in the western world are making their cities green and clean. Here in the eastern part of the world we yet to build green cities and towns.

The western world is quite familiar with the idea of a green city. In the developing and least-developed world it is still a vague idea. Here people don’t have much awareness about green living. They have several other problems to first solve for their very survival. These problems range from poverty alleviation to maintaining law and order.

green city
That is why green ideas of collective nature do not have greater appeal in poor nations. They don’t know the inverse relationship between poverty and sustainability. It means higher sustainability, lower poverty levels. They need awareness about this fact. First, their leadership should be aware of the significance of a green city. Why it is a must for our sustainable future.