7 disastrous effects on your kids of not living green

Living green is a voluntary lifestyle. No law forces you to follow it. Nor any convention or tradition stresses you for adopting it.

If you are aware; you love this lifestyle. If you are not then you seek happiness in the indulgence of everything. Right

Our forefathers were living green but we don’t think much about them. We do remember a lot of things about their life. But we rarely talk about their green way of living.

Who among us rides on a bike because his grandfathers were doing so? Let me know in the comments section below.

We take the shield of technological progress for our not living green. We term it our flexibility to avail every new scientific invention and make it a part of our life. Actually, we do this in a craze to make our life more and more comfortable.

living green
Were our forefathers suffering from obesity? Obviously not, their lifestyle was so simple. Why don’t we follow them? We can’t. It is our simple answer. We want to keep pace with our techie era.

We want to forget our past. But we don’t know our future will not remember us.

Nowadays which gadget is not in our pocket or bag? The blood pressure checker or sugar checker we don’t have.

Otherwise, we have Ipad, iPod, iPhone but we don’t have our real I. It is missing in machines. It is stuck somewhere in technological advancement.

We can’t feel our heartbeat because of the noise of several gadgets around us. TV, music player, ringing tones and message alert tones; and the list goes on. Listening to all, we have almost forgotten what is the rhythm of our heartbeat? Actually, we forgot every rhythm of life.

We or our kids have never heard the chirping of a sparrow. If they have heard, they might have heard a recorded voice as a ringing tone. So this is another aspect of the miracles of scientific advancement we never knew before.

We forgot our forefathers and now we are damn caring for our kids. Not living green can put several disastrous effects on them. People say; so what? The whole world is running after material gains.

Everybody is dying to keep pace with a fast-changing lifestyle. He has to make his life like hell if he refuses to compromise. But in his older age what he gets. He waits to see his children come back home after a late-night party.

Anyways, I am a little emotional about living green that is why a little crossed my limits. Period

7 effects on your kids of not living green

So again I come back to the topic and first, tell you here how not living green affects our kids in seven unnoticed ways.

1. Laziness

If they don’t move they will become habitual of sitting idle. They expect everything comes to them by pressing a button.

They make a phone call and get a pizza at their door. They have the Ipad so they chat with their friends. They don't go to the cinema and watch movies at home. So laziness becomes their lifestyle. So be ready to face the after-effects of their laziness.

2. Obesity

This is the second disastrous effect on your kids of not living green. They get lazy. The move lesser and keep sitting more.

Working alone without changing the location in daily life brings anxiety in them. They eat to end their anxiety and gain weight.

They can find everything by not moving so they don’t need to lose their weight. They continue their lazy way of living.

3. Lower IQ

It’s a cliché but is a reality that will never change. A healthy body makes a healthy mind. So without a healthy body how come they have a healthy mind?

They can’t sharpen their mind by doing what they must do. This is a compromising way of living where you do which is unavoidable.

4. Autism

Various studies have proved kids suffer more from autism. By gaining weight people avoid other people. They love to be alone.

They tell others that they don’t like to meet with others. They blame the world for this. They put various allegations on this world. They call this world cruel.

They blame all around them are pathetic, not understanding and selfish. So they suffer from a psychological problem of living alone - the autism.

5. Daydreaming

This is the ultimate effect of avoidance of living green. A big gap creeps into their real self and ideal self.

In their dreams they see themselves very smart, happy, active and winner. In reality, they are over-weight, lazy, non-doers and losers.

So they see them as they want to be in their dreams. They please their urge of becoming great in their dreams. They don’t want to sleep and keep seeing dreams of this type.

Naturally, they don’t have control of their dreams. So they daydream while being awake.

6. Pessimism

By not living green for a long time they become accustomed to not taking anything positive. It deprives them of the drive to start.

living green
They always are shy to take action. They don’t want to be proactive. And eventually, they stop doing anything fearing failure. So they begin their every thought with the word no. Pessimism becomes part of their nature.

7. Physical problems

After suffering from a series of above problems, who can live like a normal being? Obviously, they face physical problems. These may range from frequent headaches or digestive problems. So they suffer from various diseases.

Don’t worry

Don’t worry it won’t happen at once. It happens gradually and not all kids suffer from all these problems. But this is a fact many kids suffer from many of these problems. We simply point at plain reasons for these problems. We just need to identify the real reasons for these problems. You should just check:

· How much your home is green with plants? Either you have a big home or small a little space can be spared to put ornamental plants and refresh the home.

· What do you do while spending quality time with your kids. Do you join their technological pursuit? Or you take them to some healthy and natural place.

· Do you play with your kids in the garden or encourage them to join their friends for physical games.

· Did you ever hold a session of store-telling with them and tell them the stories of your childhood? Did you tell them how their forefathers were happy without electronic gadgets?

· Do you have a bicycle at home to go to nearing places?

If your answer is YES then your kids will not be a victim of not going green.

If your answer is NO even then don’t worry and start moving back to a green lifestyle?

In simpler terms, it is a way of living where you use machines when it is impossible to avoid them. You negatively impact nature when it is impossible to avoid it.

For example, if a snake attacks you to sting with its poison obviously you have the right to kill it. Otherwise you just continue the way of your living by adopting these two great changes:

· Reliance on all types of machines or mechanical and electronic devices when it is a must to use them

· Hurting nature; be it plants, animals, air, water, and land if it is unavoidable.

Still, you need not worry

Do you think it is not possible to examine your every step if it is green? Even then you need not worry. There are many solutions to a problem. This is the blessing of this techie era and we must avail it. It is not contradictory to going green.

So should I tell you to have a complete understanding of living green without paying a huge amount? Just keep visiting this blog to know all about how to live green without spending time or money.

So what do you say? Isn’t living green is simpler than the way of digital living. Just share your thoughts in the comments section below. Take care and green peace on you.

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